Example sentences of "to have [pron] [verb] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 So many players seemed to have nothing to do with the nations they were representing that asking them to picture their country would have been difficult enough , let alone vow anything to it .
2 The director of each society was required to submit its rules for approval to Mr Tidd Pratt the barrister who certified Saving Banks regulations , and afterwards to have them approved by the magistrates at quarter sessions .
3 I argued very hard to have you thrown to the wolves after the police found four low-lifes strewn around the locker room of that gym .
4 ‘ I intend her to have something to do with the arts .
5 Just as he said , Farmer Plant 's teenage niece , Harriet , was delighted to have her to help in the stables , and promised to teach her all about the care and feeding of horses as well .
6 But preferable to have it stated under the buyers ' own signatures , and by you on taking instructions .
7 Nothing could be more enslaving and therefore less worthy of the human mind than to have it chained to the mechanics of the patterns of the language rather than free to dwell on the message conveyed through the language .
8 She felt pleased — not wanting to have anything to do with the squabbles of these upper-class money-grubbers .
9 As for the Scottish envoys … first , a journey by land is too dangerous ; secondly , our good King Henry believes this is a Scottish matter and does not wish to intervene officially ; finally , Queen Margaret and her household , on the other hand , do not wish to be seen to have anything to do with the men who drove her from Scotland . ’
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