Example sentences of "having been [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Her memory of the room had been of a dingy , barrack-like hall with fine plaster swags , marred by the fact that chunks of them had been missing , and they , and the room , not improved by having been painted in a weird mixture of colour : purple , pink , green , ochre , rather like the bike belonging to the old man on the S-Bahn .
2 Having been engaged in an undeclared war with China since 1937 Japan took advantage of the French defeat in 1940 both to close one of China 's last remaining links with the outside world , the Haiphong — Yunnan railway , and to begin her advance into Southeast Asia .
3 The 80,000,000 yen in bribes was part of a total of more than 500,000,000 yen allegedly given by Kyowa to Abe , some of which appeared to have found its way directly into the coffers of the Miyazawa faction without having been registered under the political funds control law .
4 Having been overruled by the ruling Spanish Socialist Workers ' Party ( PSOE ) hierarchy and the spending ministries on requested budget cuts , Solchaga had regained the initiative through these measures of financial and trade liberalization .
5 Having been groped by the Croatian National Guard , the friends parted company , the press to their pens on the platform 's left hand , Joshua to sit among the delegates of his local Party .
6 I think er the original plan would have envisaged er a very high proportion of that work having been converted to a fixed price at this point in the programme because according to the original programme not only would the aircraft have flown but we would be entering production investment at this stage and we would there be be fairly confident about the er maturity of the design , however the programme has proceeded much more slowly than originally planned and the amount of er the price that has been converted to a fixed price is indeed quite modest er we have in fact I think only converted eight of the price packages to a fixed price er basis so far .
7 The bathroom , having been converted from the front parlour , was downstairs and backed onto a small room at the rear of the cottage in which we kept the hoover , other cleaning materials and spares of this and that , such as light bulbs and rolls of loo paper .
8 However , two millworkers ' cottages , that formerly consisted of three storeys , each of a single room , stand close by , having been converted in the late '50s .
9 What was the nature of Korean society and how had Korea been affected by the experience of having been ruled as an integral part of the Japanese colonial empire for almost half a century before the defeat of Japan in 1945 ?
10 In acts chapter two and verse thirty two , this Jesus , God raised up again to which we are all witnesses , therefore , having been exulted to the right hand of God , and having receiving from the father the promise of the Holy Spirit , he has poured forth this which you both see and hear .
11 The case of the traveller to Bali is vastly more complicated , his deciding reaction having been influenced by an indefinite series of accessions to his awareness from the viewpoints of parents and community as well as from his own .
12 He was sensitive to this lack of recognition , but at the same time fully understood how much he owed to having been saved from the academic treadmill .
13 Six pairs of doors , each 16 feet high , were hung across the end of the shed , having been salvaged from the former Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway electric stock repair shops at Meols Cop .
14 Unless , therefore the guarantee was void as having been made for an illegal consideration or voidable on the ground of economic duress , the extrinsic evidence establishes that it was supported by valid consideration .
15 system , there was a circular hole with red glass in the right hand one , the large oil lantern used at Gravesend , having been replaced by a hinged opening vent .
16 The bank finally agreed to loan sixteen thousand pounds for the business plus overdraught facilities and a further nine thousand pounds secured on our client 's home repayable over five years , any further mortgage over a future was to be arranged elsewhere and my Lord er will hear that in fact the , having the sale of their home having been completed on the fifth of December the plaintiffs were then homeless for some three months living with their daughter until such times as they were able to arrange a mortgage on their present property with the Halifax .
17 A few miles further down the road they came on a group of Italians with rifles waving at them to stop , obviously having been alerted by the German post .
18 MATLOCK TOWN , the HFS Loans League team , are still in the FA Trophy - despite having been defeated in the first round .
19 The houses next to these almshouses were quite modern for the street — probably having been built in the eighteen-seventies .
20 Perpetuation of this system would have meant , as we can predict from the above reasoning , that when the nation 's sewers finally collapsed , having been built in the last century , a huge financing requirement would have been forced upon the industry .
21 Having been blessed with a cold mother , did I seek a cold wife ?
22 And if two actresses can survive having been cast in the same part and still go on to be friends , they can survive anything .
23 Lewis , having been missed by a diving Moin after edging Akram , was yorked comprehensively at the other end .
24 The stables were well built but badly ventilated ( surely not be expected in Coleman 's time , for he was the arch-exponent of adequate ventilation ) a duct-blocking luxuriant vine having been trained against the outside wall of some loose boxes .
25 The concern then must be that when people start to suffer the rule of the power which has replaced the national government , their resentment against not having been warned of the full consequences of what was happen — There are signs that this may indeed be what is happening in Germany .
26 Quinn , they would say , was standing still , having been overhauled by the main group but able to see what had happened up the road , shaking his head in disbelief and murmuring ‘ No … no … no . ’
27 The granting of peerages to former politicians , chiefs of the defence staff and so on has the effect of enhancing the status of those whose only achievement in life is having been engendered by a privileged set of loins .
28 At present , however , the festivities seem light years away , having been eclipsed by a fiscal crisis of mammoth proportions .
29 Athey , though having been exposed as a poor leader , could also , like Allan Lamb , be considered a good number two .
30 Obviously personal inclination is very important , but personal inclination can often arise from having been taught by an exceptional teacher , or having a scientist parent who helps with homework .
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