Example sentences of "having [verb] a [adj] [noun] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The continuing fighting between the two groups was seen as having wrecked a five-point plan to end the violence , agreed at a meeting between Buthelezi and Mandela on March 30 [ see p. 38087 ] .
2 Having made a new table to replace a rather unsteady card table , there being no local shop which sold green baize , I opted for green Heuga carpet tiles .
3 Having made a tentative decision to come back to nursing , it would be similarly useful to compare your reasons for doing so in the light of the previous exercise .
4 That will no doubt be done by the press , clearly bored at not having had a good scandal to get its teeth into for all of two months .
5 The ministers decided late on Aug. 28 to turn their consultations into a formal ministerial conference the following day , when the agreement was adopted , Iraq and Libya having refused a telexed invitation to attend the conference .
6 Despite the broad nature of the changes , however , the results were perceived by many as change for the sake of change , rather than as the result of the President having found a new formula to deal with the main problems of inflation , the breakdown in government services and the poor state of the economy .
7 Mondello , who had been acquitted on murder and manslaughter charges but who admitted having incited a 30-strong mob to attack Hawkins , received 5@1/3 to 16 years in the form of four consecutive sentences for riot and other felony charges .
8 Koch gains huge advantages by having created a charitable foundation to mount his challenge , whose public good is ‘ to train sailors for international competition ’ .
9 Young motorists face a Government clampdown including having to display a special plate to show they 're new to driving and the possibility of having to pass a tough new test if they 're found guilty of serious traffic offences .
10 She caught him again on the way back between oven and table , and sank herself into him once more , but after a moment became conscious that he was having to make a considerable effort to hold the hot saucepan away from her at arm 's length .
11 they may not feel open to accepting that person into the family , very aware of having to make a conscious effort to put aside prejudices and stereotypes in order to get to know , like and accept him or her .
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