Example sentences of "having [verb] [art] [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 The speech was all too unexciting , having travelled the country for the past year , and not noticeably improving with age .
2 From 1988 , candidates will be able to take CGLI examinations on a modular basis , building up credits rather than having to sit the examination for the full certificate at one time .
3 Having calculated the profit for the first six months discuss whether the profit figure is a useful benchmark for measuring the performance of the business , and also whether it is useful as a guide to future profitability .
4 Er it was a short time after , having given the order for the officers to enter the flat , erm maybe three or four minutes after that erm , having received the information that the flat was secure , it was safe to enter er I then went up to the flat .
5 I am glad to have had the chance to record this act of kindness on the part of a man who is more often remembered as having installed a pay-phone for the use of his week-end guests .
6 Having secured the patent for the fax machine , Bain never actually made one .
7 In the same week in which the Wall Street Journal editorial appeared , it was announced in Britain that an extensive study of lone parents ' reliance on social security would be carried out after comments from Ministers that the state is having to foot the bill for the so-called dependency culture ( Guardian , 18 January 1989 , p. 3 ) .
8 Is not the reputation of having written an opera for the Viennese theatre the best way to enhance one 's credit not only in Germany but also in Italy ?
9 His reputation as a shipbuilder was still second to none and , having built a warship for the Sultan of Turkey , he was invited to Turkey to re-organise the country 's construction of warships .
10 In June 1992 the talks appeared to have foundered , having overrun the deadline for an agreement without having produced a package for the consideration of Quebec [ see p. 38956 ] .
11 In June 1992 the talks appeared to have foundered , having overrun the deadline for an agreement without having produced a package for the consideration of Quebec [ see p. 38956 ] .
12 Collinson was also instrumental in promoting the Dictionary abroad and , having become an agent for the Library Company of Philadelphia , he presented them in 1732 , with Sir Isaac Newton 's Philosophy and Philip Miller 's Gardeners Dictionary .
13 Therefore , having played the piano for the people , he sat in the dark .
14 1781 " The Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge having appointed a Schoolmaster for the Parish of Kildaltan , with a Sallary of six pounds sterl. , on the Express condition that the Parish should pay him four pound more — Therefore the Parish of Kildaltan are Stented with the said sum .
15 The Prime Minister also feels that having taken the flak for the longest recession since the war , Mr Lamont is entitled to receive the laurels when the predicted recovery begins .
16 Having lost the campaign for the DLP presidential nomination to Kim Young Sam in controversial circumstances [ see pp. 38911 ] , Lee Jong Chan 's possible intervention as an independent had threatened to split further the centre-right vote which was already being sought by both the DLP and the UNP campaigns .
17 It was submitted the Bank of England would not be prejudiced by having to make an application for the variation of a court order in the same manner as any other third party seeking a variation which affects its rights of interests .
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