Example sentences of "to make [adj] [noun pl] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The market for control may be seen from this perspective , therefore , as having a negative side-effect in so far as it gives shareholders an opportunity to make unfair gains at the employees ' expense .
2 Announcing the delay on Nov. 9 , Head of State Amadou Toumani Touré said that preparations for the conference were behind schedule but added that the delay would give the rebel movements time to ensure they had proper representation to make credible commitments at the conference .
3 These included the Foreign Office ( allegedly too pro-EEC and generally too prone to make diplomatic concessions at the cost of British interests ) , the Civil Service Department ( too accommodating during the civil servants ' pay strike in 1981 ) , the Department of Employment ( allegedly too ‘ soft ’ under Mr Prior ) , and Education ( allegedly too sympathetic to the education lobbies ) .
4 Nor was it easy for her at first to make new ones at The Milebrook , having only a pony and cart and her nearest neighbours being two , four and five miles away .
5 There was a buoyant mood among his advisers , who were confident that their surveys in critical marginals showed Labour on course to make significant gains at the expense of the Tories , particularly in the West Midlands and the North .
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