Example sentences of "to make [adj] [noun pl] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The recognition helix of the helix-turn-helix motif of σ 70 is supposed to make specific contacts with the base pairs of the DNA in the major groove from positions -32 to -36 [ 36 , 37 ] .
2 In 1988 the worldwide loyalty to the MG prompted British Motor Heritage , a Rover subsidiary , to make complete bodies for the MGB to help owners restore rusty cars .
3 Although the requirement for a double diary entry may have increased errors , our data showed that patients are more likely to make retrospective entries in the evening and are more likely to miss data in the evening than in the morning , but errors in data entry ( inferred from discrepancies between the two forms of entry ) are no more likely in the evening than the morning .
4 One way open to the individual to beat these two traps is to make dishonest returns to the tax office , the benefit office , or both .
5 Naturally , it is difficult to make direct comparisons with the situation in the United Kingdom because psychosocial problems is a broad category and children who meet this criterion are sheltered by different services , such as education , health , and social services .
6 Here too is an attractive swimming pool , and as a bonus it is possible , on arrival , to make direct arrangements with the caretaker to have someone cook for you each day ( subject to availability ) .
7 Throughout , we have drawn on the records of accounts and observations amassed through our fieldwork and ordered through working papers to illustrate the argument , and where appropriate to make evaluative comments along the way .
8 Where there are very many known alternatives , or there are known to be currently unimaginable possibilities , the ability of people to make detailed plans for the future is limited , given bounded rationality .
9 However , because of the deeply held pessimism in Whitehall it was considered pointless to make detailed plans for an evacuation that would take place in an atmosphere of panic and confusion ; railway timetables would matter little if bombs were raining down .
10 It is not possible on the basis of this retrospective analysis to make definitive recommendations for the management of strictures .
11 It may seem paradoxical , but New Historicism 's acknowledgement of a great complexity and subtlety between text and history and its hesitancy to make generalised claims for a culture has so far produced critical analysis of texts which tend to be recognisably similar to one another .
12 If Corys can be seen to make repeated dashes to the aquarium surface , this tends to indicate a low oxygen level ; a high nitrate level , and/or low pH .
13 Separately , US PC Week highlights Intel 's unhappiness with the cavalier way in which IBM has been offering to all and sundry the iAPX-86 chip variants it has designed under its second source agreement with IBM , and suggests that the agreement is being renegotiated , and that IBM may get the right to make enhanced versions of the Pentium only if it agrees to strict limits on how many it can make for itself or sale .
14 Separately , US PC Week highlights Intel 's unhappiness with the cavalier way in which IBM has been offering to all and sundry the iAPX-86 chip variants it has designed under its second source agreement with IBM , and suggests that the agreement is being renegotiated , and that IBM may get the right to make enhanced versions of the Pentium only if it agrees to strict limits on how many it can make for itself or sale .
15 It has also become apparent that , as well as trying to change teachers ' practices , there must be a determined attempt to make concurrent changes in the school as a whole .
16 Unless governors are thoroughly familiar with the task the community has entrusted to the school they will not be able to make informed decisions about the staff , educational resources , premises and money which are necessary to accom-plish it .
17 The TECs are in the best position to make informed judgments about the qualities of particular providers .
18 Therefore source A does not reflect the historian 's concern to make informed judgements about the past .
19 By notice of appeal dated 15 February 1991 Mr. Smart appealed against that refusal on the grounds that the Divisional Court had erred ( 1 ) in holding that the principles of natural justice did not endow a prisoner serving a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment with the right to know the factors ( including the views of the trial judge and the Lord Chief Justice ) which the Secretary of State took into account when fixing the tariff , the right to make informed representations to the Secretary of State about the length of the tariff to be applied and the right to be provided with the reasons for the period chosen by the Secretary of State as the tariff period ; and ( 2 ) in holding that the practice of the Secretary of State in murder cases of fixing a tariff in excess of that recommended by the trial judge and/or the Lord Chief Justice was lawful .
20 By notice of appeal dated 12 February 1991 Mr. Pierson appealed against that refusal on the grounds , inter alia , that the Divisional Court had erred ( 1 ) in ruling that it was not unlawful for the Secretary of State to increase the tariff recommended by the Lord Chief Justice and the trial judge for the purposes of determining a prisoner 's first parole review date and ( 2 ) in ruling that Mr. Pierson was not entitled to know in advance the factors which the Secretary of State proposed to take into account in fixing the tariff and to make informed representations in the light of that knowledge .
21 Staff from senior management and those involved in caring for patients should be given training to assist them to make public presentations about the activity of the health service and the staff who work in it .
22 Subsequent parliamentary enquiries into improper electoral practices involved him in some censure and this enabled Disraeli , who never liked him , to make fresh arrangements for the management of the party in opposition .
23 For years now , at the Women 's Nutritional Advisory Service , we have been working with people who have needed to make dietary changes for the sake of their health .
24 Michael , of course , had to make periodic visits to the Christie hospital , but he kept very well and in excellent spirits .
25 Although there is no rule requiring them to do so , many district judges scrutinize the defences in small claims matters to see : ( 1 ) if they are viable and if not to make appropriate directions including a striking-out order and a requirement for a " full and proper " defence to be filed ; ( 2 ) if the matter can immediately be set down for arbitration with appropriate directions ; ( 3 ) if a PTR is necessary or can be dispensed with .
26 He was entering a study with local authorities on the cost of implementing the measures and was prepared to make appropriate increases in the rate support grant .
27 The 1985 Transport Act requires local authorities to make explicit decisions on the value of maintaining public transport services , particularly in the evenings and on Sundays .
28 Here , part of the contracting process will be for the purchaser to make explicit decisions about the level of quality required .
29 First in the firing line will be EC Agriculture Commissioner Ray MacSharry , who will be quizzed closely by the French , who claim Europe 's farmers will have to make extra sacrifices for the Gatt deal .
30 A woman will say something like , ‘ Oh look , he 's got a cute butt ’ and some geek standing next to her , sensing that his chance has come to make serious waves in the world of sexual politics , will whine , ‘ You would n't like that if I said that about a girl . ’
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