Example sentences of "to make [adj] [noun pl] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The recognition helix of the helix-turn-helix motif of σ 70 is supposed to make specific contacts with the base pairs of the DNA in the major groove from positions -32 to -36 [ 36 , 37 ] .
2 In 1988 the worldwide loyalty to the MG prompted British Motor Heritage , a Rover subsidiary , to make complete bodies for the MGB to help owners restore rusty cars .
3 Although the requirement for a double diary entry may have increased errors , our data showed that patients are more likely to make retrospective entries in the evening and are more likely to miss data in the evening than in the morning , but errors in data entry ( inferred from discrepancies between the two forms of entry ) are no more likely in the evening than the morning .
4 One way open to the individual to beat these two traps is to make dishonest returns to the tax office , the benefit office , or both .
5 Naturally , it is difficult to make direct comparisons with the situation in the United Kingdom because psychosocial problems is a broad category and children who meet this criterion are sheltered by different services , such as education , health , and social services .
6 Here too is an attractive swimming pool , and as a bonus it is possible , on arrival , to make direct arrangements with the caretaker to have someone cook for you each day ( subject to availability ) .
7 Throughout , we have drawn on the records of accounts and observations amassed through our fieldwork and ordered through working papers to illustrate the argument , and where appropriate to make evaluative comments along the way .
8 The current Act , the Sale of Goods Act 1979 , did not seek to make further changes in the law , but is a consolidation measure which reproduced ( with a few technical amendments ) the provisions of the 1893 Act as amended .
9 By considering the historical example , and later by considering contemporary attitudes in a diachronic context , it will be possible to make further comments about the nature of the implicit attitudinal structure , or perhaps , its lack of structure qua structure .
10 A spokeswoman for Devon and Cornwall Police said today : ‘ It might be that we will be able to make further comments after the meeting . ’
11 On appeal , the Transport Tribunal directed that the matter be referred back to the DLA , Mr Humphrey Lewis , for T W Ltd to have the opportunity to make further representations concerning the constrictions placed on business operations by these conditions .
12 ‘ I will now beg leave to make some observations on the distance of the Veterinary College from the Town — first — because the Society has no rival to dread in an establishment of this nature — secondly — whether the Infirmary is situated a Mile further or nearer it will not prevent people of sense from sending their Horses there — thirdly — the resident pupils being distant from places of dissipation , it will protect their morals and they will employ their time in study .
13 It is possible to make some observations of the law relating to obscenity and indecency which indicate that , while accepting that one ought to be guided by the rule of law in censorship matters , one would be better advised to come to decisions without reference to this or that piece of obscenity or indecency legislation .
14 They were directed back to their positions by the first assistant and his megaphone , and a second take began ; Miranda was now able to make some sketches of the action as well , as she knew its shape .
15 To apply the framework of attention focusing to the data from these studies it is necessary to make some assumptions about the information that is central and peripheral in the stimuli .
16 The move is seen as a way of helping to get the Argentinian privatisation programme off the ground and to make some inroads into the country 's foreign debt , which currently totals some $60billion .
17 First of all , though , I must apologise because we have had to make some changes to the staffing for our next training day on 22nd September .
18 This encouraged the transfer at a time when the son was still willing and able to make some changes to the farm .
19 In an interview in Zhongguo Qingnian Bao on 16 August , Su Xiao Kang , one of the writers of the series , talked about the concerns which were expressed by the authorities and the pressures to make some changes before the repeats .
20 I used the privacy to make some calls on the house phone without logging them in the red exercise book Mr Goodson had drawing-pinned to the wall .
21 I write to make some corrections to the article ‘ Adjustment claim services and ECGD ’ which was published in your November issue .
22 I call upon everyone to begin to work to create such an agenda in the coming months , mindful that each of us may have to make some compromises along the way if we are to end with something in which we all can believe .
23 In Chapter 10 I try to make some suggestions about the form and content of a practical politics of reproduction which could help in the mobilization of the social forces necessary for the implementation of a programme of structural social change .
24 We were just going to make some scrapes along the bank there .
25 ‘ I 'm sending Brian Jackson to make some enquiries at the District Hospital , then he can join us here . ’
26 She accepts that she then was confused , she did n't know what to do erm she did n't think there was any point in getting out of the car which is what sh she should of done , she should of tried to make some enquiries about the child er , but she er , she looked around shrugged her shoulders and and then carried on her journey because she did n't think there was anything else she could do about it .
27 While I 'm seeing him , by the way , I 'd like you to make some enquiries in the village .
28 Some nativist elements in the host community were critical of what they saw as an assault on local culture by alien Jewish values and it was this ethnocentric attitude to change , when allied to the existence of genuine social grievances , which was to make some parts of the East End a fertile reception area for racial populist and anti-immigrant movements right through from the British Brothers League in 1900 , the BUF from 1936 to 1940 , the League of Ex-Servicemen and the Union Movement in the 1940s , to the National Front in the 1970s .
29 Region I want to make some comments about the UNISON er section of the report , because er I think it 's concerning me that er we 're basically not getting our act together .
30 Higginson , crowning his " busy life among " the Stockport boys ' ventured to make some comments to the Governors in a letter on 14th June , " not through any belief that , in your present position in financial and other matters , you can act upon them soon ; but when and if the ability comes " .
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