Example sentences of "always be [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Particular public expenditure can always be criticized on the ground that it is excessive or wrongly directed , whether on defence or education or the building of motorways or any other public service .
2 And what 's more damaging is that everything I do now will always be compared to the past . ’
3 ‘ We must demonstrate to youngsters that science and technology can in their many ways find the answers and should not always be viewed as the culprit . ’
4 With the cut and sew method any rather geometric shaping that does n't suit either your fabric or the finished look can always be adjusted in the sewing , by sewing in a curved line round a squared cutting line .
5 An acute reaction to food may be difficult to distinguish from a viral infection that produces an attack of gastroenteritis , because the virus can not always be detected in the baby 's stools .
6 McCrea ) , in the context of security , that the Government 's policy must always be conducted within the rule of law , and that that is a critical factor in bringing terrorism to an end .
7 ‘ Must you always be straining at the leash to bloody your blade ? ’
8 You may need to do some lateral thinking , as savings can not always be related to the size of the cheques you write out each month .
9 The type of binding chosen for any individual volume must always be related to the type and size of the book and its estimated length of retention .
10 It is possible to draft preference share rights dispensing with the declaration of preference dividends and compelling the offeror to distribute available distributable profits , but this may not always be desired by the offeror .
11 This is why substantial vertical exaggeration must nearly always be employed in the depiction of extensive areas of relief in cross-section ( Fig. 2.6 ) .
12 When it comes to total processing power , however , the AS/400 will always be limited by the commitment to remain air- , rather than water-cooled — despite the fact that IBM 's rivals in the mainframe world seem to be able to deliver performance matching that of IBM with air-cooled machines , even if the air does have to be gale-force .
13 Permission should always be sought from the institution concerned for the use of its material in this way .
14 ‘ Where the prosecution intends to lead evidence of verbal admissions or confessions , the defence should always be alerted before the start of the case of such intention and the terms of the admissions/confessions so as to give the defence an opportunity to determine whether or not to challenge the admissibility of the evidence . ’
15 A diet should always be tested in the autoclave that will normally be used to ensure that it is acceptable both nutritionally and physically after sterilization .
16 To complement the quotation from Winston Churchill 's reply to the debate on the then Coal Mines ( Eight Hours ) Bill that was given by the hon. Member for Holborn and St. Pancras , I should like to draw the House 's attention to other words of Winston Churchill in the same speech , which are as self-evidently true today as they were then : ’ We have reminded the hon. Gentleman of it often ; but why should cheapness of production always be achieved at the expense of the human factor ?
17 The basic library guide should be based on the library 's orientation objectives and should always be written with the user in mind ( see figures 5–11 , 18 and 19 ) .
18 In conclusion , our findings show that low grade , gastric MALT lymphoma can always be diagnosed on the basis of both fixed and fresh endoscopic biopsy specimens .
19 Do n't forget that for more bulky but light loads , such as leaves , an extension can always be fitted to the top of the barrow .
20 For example , they have had and still have close links with well-defined groups like schoolchildren whose educational needs in terms of libraries and information can not always be met within the environment of the school .
21 This is not a guide as to when to call on expert medical advice which should always be determined by the condition of the patient and carried out at whatever stage you would normally call upon such help whether or not you are treating them with Homoeopathic remedies .
22 In the delicate balance between trust and accountability , an Area Secretary should be confident that her/his report will always be acknowledged on the basis of its having been given serious attention .
23 There are other ways of marking it , but it would always be explained at the beginning of a textbook or dictionary which system is used .
24 If the parties can not agree on the terms of the mortgage , application can always be made to the court who will settle the terms of the mortgage or direct that conveyancing counsel be appointed by the court to do so .
25 Unless any cash payment is passing which is required by the husband for the purchase of another property , a contract would appear to be unnecessary and is certainly not required if the transaction is to be carried out following a court order ( whether by consent or otherwise ) as application can always be made to the court for the terms of the order to be carried out ( see Chapter 8 ) .
26 The approach to the hole should always be made along the stream bed and halted a safe distance from the brink .
27 The attacker will always be dressed for the occasion ; it is invariably the victim who is unprepared .
28 If the designer is working on a project where a food and beverage manager has been appointed , he should always be involved from the inception of the project , in order that he may be aware of the development of the facility .
29 I feel lawyers should always be involved from the beginning of any policy ’ .
30 Final approval should always be given by the Director of Information Systems
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