Example sentences of "always [vb infin] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Even in this type of community , however , men did not always stay at the same job all their lives .
2 Typically they are geographically mobile , living relatively far away from kin , work and friends ; they separate work from leisure and do not always socialise with the same group of people who all know each other .
3 The Conservatives would not always win under the electoral system of 1918 , but they would rarely do so badly as to allow anyone else to win .
4 For example , the six male dancers do not always appear in the same place nor end in the same pose in the passages mentioned above .
5 Do n't forget that the sun will always appear behind the stripy cloud , never in front of it ; clouds can do either but probably look best with the stripes as a background .
6 They will not be led by preachers at their church to face up to the fact that there are four Gospels , that John is significantly different from the Synoptics , that the New Testament writers do not always speak with the same voice even on essential matters of faith .
7 The view was that radio should always speak with the same voice as the Government , aiming to educate and improve rather than entertain the public .
8 In what follows , I shall almost always speak in the ordinary way of causes and conditions as things in a generic sense , events , facts , ordinary things , and stuff .
9 ‘ Does it always keep to the deep water ? ’
10 Godwin also offered guidance on moral problems ; we must always look to the general good , calculate the consequences of the courses of action open to us , and arrive at an unbiased decision .
11 A husband who tells his wife about his redundancy does not always meet with the right kind of sympathy or support .
12 In another letter he suggested constructing the ‘ Little End Room ’ in a spare bedroom at Headington , ‘ a place where we can always meet on the common ground of the past and ipso facto a museum of the Leeborough which we want to preserve ’ .
13 The latter notion is further supported by the tumour yields in the different groups , which did not always correlate with the mucosal proliferation rates ( compare Fig 2 and Table V ) .
14 Robertson Nicoll 's daughters married army officers while his son became a physician ; J. H. Paton 's son became High Master of Manchester Grammar School ; Silvester Horne 's eldest daughter went up to Oxford while one son became a barrister and the other , Kenneth , the star of BBC Radio 's ‘ Round the Horne ’ series , programmes which did not always accord with the Nonconformist Conscience .
15 The expert 's liability in tort can never be more extensive than liability under any related contract , and whether the expert will be liable at all will always depend on the particular context and purpose of the particular statement .
16 These arrangements do not always fit within the formal treaty rules , but can provide a practical means of ensuring that the rigidities of the pacta tertiis rule do not impede its performance .
17 It is possible that Drummond and Hutton 's review underestimates the total activity , since many appraisals may be undertaken within health authorities and such reports do not always enter into the public domain .
18 Personal vanity and the taste for consuming conspicuously will always link within the human breast .
19 ‘ You can always tell by the carroty hair . ’
20 You can always rely on the Modern Review to ask the really Big Questions , such as Who Killed British Fiction ?
21 In practice , an employer will not always rely on the implied duty of fidelity : there will often be an express clause in the employment contract which directs the employee to devote his time exclusively to the promotion of the employer 's business .
22 The last word does not always go to the fastest gun .
23 The title Duke of Cornwall and the estate to go with it dates back to 1337 , when Edward III created it to give his eldest son , the Black Prince , an income and somewhere to live ; it was he who decreed that it should always go to the eldest son .
24 After all , if they 've got some of the modules , they can always go for the full general SVQ later . ’
25 But if the scout car is n't quite the run around for you , you could always go for the little car with big ideas .
26 We could always engage in the Rawlsian form of argument and apply it to the new information once it becomes available .
27 They had n't made university and the difference between their comfortable life style — houses on an executive estate , en suite bathrooms , artificial coal fires in what they called the lounge , working wives , a new car every two years and timeshares in Majorca — provided both with agreeable hours of self-satisfied comparisons which he knew would always end with the same conclusion , that he ought to pull himself together , that it was n't right , not after all the sacrifices Mum and Dad had made to send him to college , and a fine waste of money that had proved .
28 We may contrast with this the phrase semantic components , where the two interpretations are virtually indistinguishable ; it will be seen that this phrase will always come to the same thing in practical terms , whether we regard the components as being semantic , with ascriptive use of the adjective , or as components connected with semantics , taking the associative interpretation .
29 Although many sentences with this surface sequence will always come to the same thing pragmatically , whichever of the two constructions is assumed ( this is one of the features which can make careful syntactic analysis such a delicate matter ) , it is nonetheless possible to find some which are open to either syntactic interpretation but with a clear difference in meaning ; this will then help to throw the syntactic difference into relief .
30 When I have to answer them I have some difficulty defending Members of the House , for whom I have a high regard and affection , if they behave badly , but such bad behaviour does not always come from the same side of the House .
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