Example sentences of "always [adj] [prep] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It 's always dark in morning in winter — it used to be dark when I got up to go to the building site .
2 Teachers who are not deemed to be attached to London Training are always welcome at £2.50 per day .
3 Everywhere individuals , communities and cultures respond differently to similar situations ; their reactions are always criticizable in terms of awareness , including awareness from each other 's viewpoints ; , at the ideal limit of awareness each would still respond differently , yet rightly even by the judgement of the rest .
4 Always black with rust to mahogany markings .
5 To involve parents more fully in general nursery activities , both nurseries started a loose-leaf file with illustrated accounts of nursery life which was always available to parents for browsing .
6 I 'm always first in bed at night ,
7 In addition , experimental design in any area of research is always open to criticisms concerning sample size , composition and interpretation of the results .
8 Neil Kinnock advanced the extraordinarily lame and inaccurate excuse that it was always difficult for Oppositions in mid-term , but no one was really deceived .
9 I have to fight for every penny I get , I 've no assistants , no commercial sponsorship , and I 'm always last in line for equipment and computer time . ’
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