Example sentences of "always [verb] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Colonies have always given scope to adventurers from the metropolis who have enjoyed irresponsible power over the natives , whether as administrators , police officials , soldiers , traders , or settlers ( even if these were of the peasant class ) .
2 ( 4 ) Cinema has always given primacy of place to images .
3 Le Page and Tabouret-Keller write : As the individual speaks he [ sic ] is seen as always using language with reference to the inner models of the universe he has constructed for himself ; he projects in words images of that universe ( or , of those universes ) on to the social screen , and these images may be more or less sharply focussed , or more or less diffuse , in relation to each other or in relation to those projected by others in their interaction with him …
4 It always goes hand in hand with any great artist .
5 Like other frontier peoples , the French Basques have not always seen eye to eye with Paris .
6 We may not have always seen eye to eye in the past but I have great respect for him nevertheless . ’
7 My hon. Friend is also right that business wants regulations kept in bounds , with decent regulations so that markets are fair and open , but it does not want the masses of red tape that the Opposition are always recommending day after day in the House .
8 Junkies have always accepted constipation as part of the price paid for the ‘ high ’ offered by opiate drugs like heroin .
9 We might have been a lot wiser if , presumably to preserve their privacy , they had n't always used English in front of Maria .
10 ‘ Well , we do n't always see eye to eye about things .
11 " I do n't always see eye to eye with my father for instance about the way things are done here . "
12 Fernand was employed by the previous owner and does not always see eye to eye with Alain on the way the estate should be managed , but no … ’
13 This means that there is uncertainty as to whether the generalised advance disclosures made in client agreements will , in the absence of subsequent specific disclosure , always guarantee protection against allegations of breach of fiduciary duty .
14 You always get damage at front of tape .
15 The transfer always takes place from right to left .
16 The moral is that the need to clearly communicate findings must always take precedence over considerations of technical adequacy .
17 ‘ It was an extremely popular programme and we always saw eye to eye about it .
18 Contemplating ‘ the displaced fragments of inner city decline ’ — peripheral council estates — it suggested that wealth-creation ‘ must always go hand in hand with just distribution , — offering , thereby , an alternative interpretation of ‘ partnership ’ ( p. 53 ) .
19 Eugenics had always gone hand in hand with socialism for Haldane — he and his sister , Naomi ( later Mitchison ) , joined both the Oxford Eugenics Society and the Labour party — because , as he explained , biology compels us to recognise that the innate inequality of men requires scientific management by the state .
20 The differences are deep and go far back into history , but while I have been a Minister dealing with the economy and the environment I have always had the greatest possible collaboration from all the parties in Northern Ireland , which have always worked cheek by jowl with one another and with me for the benefit of all the people of Northern Ireland .
21 I mean er and as I say you had everything erm when er I wanted coal I mean you had coal erm because after my husband ceased at the pit , er that ceased because , cos miners always had coal as part of their er it was part of their wages you see .
22 In this connection , it is interesting that many of the restrictions on economic life in the Pentateuch were to ensure that each family always had access to part of the society 's capital — namely a plot of land and some animals .
23 The two elements , those who more or less kept the rules and those who never tried , had always lived side by side in Paradise Street .
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