Example sentences of "always [verb] [prep] [art] same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Where there are dramatic differences of incidence for different groups , where the social pattern investigated is simplex ( for example , class difference only ) , and where the differences virtually always tend in the same direction , it is often unnecessary to test for significance , because the patterns revealed are so clear that no one could believe they are the results of pure chance .
2 Even in this type of community , however , men did not always stay at the same job all their lives .
3 Typically they are geographically mobile , living relatively far away from kin , work and friends ; they separate work from leisure and do not always socialise with the same group of people who all know each other .
4 According to Locke , however , the question is ‘ what makes the same person , and not whether it be the same identical substance , which always thinks in the same person , which in this case matters not at all ’ .
5 You can place a marker at the edge of the swim which , at forty yards or more range , is a tremendous aid to accurate casting and ensures that groundbait always goes in the same spot .
6 ‘ The crystals always grow in the same direction and then they are shaped , ’ they say .
7 We had never moved , always living in the same place , 18 Ravensworth Road , Kensal Green A late Victorian artisan 's house it was , a two-up-two-down with me and my parents on the top floor .
8 For example , the six male dancers do not always appear in the same place nor end in the same pose in the passages mentioned above .
9 Every night she greased her face , whited everything out and redrew it just as she had always done ; a heavy coat of pale powder , black mascara , black eyeliner , heavily pencilled black eyebrows , and then , finally , her famous scarlet lips , always perfect , always done in the same shade , Rouge Extrême .
10 They will not be led by preachers at their church to face up to the fact that there are four Gospels , that John is significantly different from the Synoptics , that the New Testament writers do not always speak with the same voice even on essential matters of faith .
11 The view was that radio should always speak with the same voice as the Government , aiming to educate and improve rather than entertain the public .
12 You recall that we could not have the needles always selected in the same direction or we would end up with biased fabric ?
13 Whether you are using glue or egg white , the adhesive is always applied in the same manner .
14 A true feeding roll is always performed in the same direction by each rolling bream .
15 It has always had about the same amount of appeal to me as sheep 's eyes .
16 You must take for twenty-one days religiously , stop for seven , always begin on the same day of the week , got it ?
17 If going to bed , eating and hairwashing always happen in the same way , she accepts them with little or no fuss .
18 The poi point about him is he 's a he 's always based in the same place .
19 Always travelling in the same direction — a straight line .
20 Within the overall Upward trend there have naturally been fluctuations and current and capital expenditure have not always behaved in the same manner .
21 In 90 per cent of the incidents , the victims were horses , almost always assaulted in the same way .
22 He never gives his name , and he always asks for the same dedication .
23 Notice that each communication guard unc is always followed by the same process
24 I shall argue that the psychological arrow is determined by the thermodynamic arrow , and that these two arrows necessarily always point in the same direction .
25 They always go to the same place .
26 Sunday was the first and chief day of the week , and saints ' days always fell on the same date , as did some of the major festivals such as Christmas , which was celebrated on VIII Kal Jan ( 25 December ) .
27 They had n't made university and the difference between their comfortable life style — houses on an executive estate , en suite bathrooms , artificial coal fires in what they called the lounge , working wives , a new car every two years and timeshares in Majorca — provided both with agreeable hours of self-satisfied comparisons which he knew would always end with the same conclusion , that he ought to pull himself together , that it was n't right , not after all the sacrifices Mum and Dad had made to send him to college , and a fine waste of money that had proved .
28 Delay times were rearranged for the consonant groups in the list for each trial so that particular consonant groups were not always associated with the same delay time .
29 We may contrast with this the phrase semantic components , where the two interpretations are virtually indistinguishable ; it will be seen that this phrase will always come to the same thing in practical terms , whether we regard the components as being semantic , with ascriptive use of the adjective , or as components connected with semantics , taking the associative interpretation .
30 Although many sentences with this surface sequence will always come to the same thing pragmatically , whichever of the two constructions is assumed ( this is one of the features which can make careful syntactic analysis such a delicate matter ) , it is nonetheless possible to find some which are open to either syntactic interpretation but with a clear difference in meaning ; this will then help to throw the syntactic difference into relief .
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