Example sentences of "came [adv prt] as [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If anyone have seen pictures from our game against Poland he came on as a substitute for Fjortoft as lone attacker — and he played brilliantly for the 20 minutes he was on .
2 He came on as a substitute against Monaghan in the provincial semi-final and played well , but a place in the final starting line-up still eluded him .
3 ‘ I think he also came on as a substitute in a first team friendly against the New Zealand national team .
4 ‘ I think he also came on as a substitute in a first-team friendly against the New Zealand national team .
5 Dan Jackart , the other capped prop , went off with a damaged shoulder in the first half against North Harbour but came on as a replacement for Szabo .
6 Mostly it came over as a matter of feeling hard done by — self-pity rather than bravado ; or a habitual , weary tinkering to save a bit here and there .
7 I preferred doing what we call off-diary stories , not the councils and the jobs that came up as a matter of routine .
8 Its child protection procedures have information about what to do if a child is worried about HIV , and how to make an appropriate referral if HIV/AIDS came up as an issue for child who has been sexually abused .
9 He often came out as a bit of a bighead and , accused of this at the time , took a tape-measure and agreed that his head had indeed expanded by one-eighth of an inch since leaving Wales .
10 I came out as a result of sexual frustration and a desire to be honest with myself .
11 I know some young women rightly feel that they came out as a result of their own strength — and of course many of them do come out without any youth work involvement .
12 The legislation that came out as a result of that then was absolutely sure , you know that it was copper bottom insurances given given that er legislation would prevent accidents of that nature again .
13 This statutory definition was originally formulated under s15(2) of SOGIT 1973 ( now substituted by s192(3) ( a ) , Sched 4 of CCA 1974 ) which came about as a response to the demand for reform in this area .
14 The eventual removal and reconstruction of this house at Sant Fagans between 1955 and 1957 came about as a gift from the Birmingham Corporation to the Welsh Folk Museum .
15 According to them the capitalist representation of labour , the idea that labour is a thing which can be bought and sold , came about as a result of certain economic and technical developments in medieval towns .
16 There was the huge extension of state activity in other areas of social life that came about as a result of the ‘ warfare means welfare ’ principle of the 1940s .
17 The emphasis on Christianity in this part of the Act came about as a result of a House of Lords amendment to the Education Reform Bill originally tabled by Baroness Cox and finally presented in a more pragmatic form by the Bishop of London after extensive consultation with interested parties .
18 It was one of the three schools which came about as a result of pressure from adult deaf societies .
19 The eventual collapse of the adjustable peg system came about as a result of intensification of the pressures that had developed during the 1960s .
20 The development of a separate Montenegrin political and cultural entity came about as a result of the forcible separation of Zeta from the main body of the Serbs after the death of Tsar Dušan in 1355 .
21 Both talks came about as a result of requests from friends who attended the same BSc course as Philip and are now teachers .
22 Their detection normally came about as a result of the appearance of a child !
23 It is a new legal framework for child care and came about as a result of lessons learnt from Lord enquiry into child abuse in Cleveland in 1987 .
24 His involvement with Derry council came about as a result of last year 's highly successful cultural festival Impact 92 , which he believes laid the foundations for the city 's redevelopment .
25 That all erm came about as a result of the Marie Rivers case
26 A lot of the pop soul , nouveau muso thing came about as a reaction to Postcard , or the post-Postcard janglepop .
27 In part it came about as a reaction to the inordinate complexity of S-R theory but , I believe , it had much more to do with S-R theory 's failure to cope with real psychological problems like the performance of radar operators , and with the availability of machines , computers , with mind-like properties that made it respectable to think in mentalistic terms again .
28 A number of writers have drawn attention to the fact that although Rameau 's name was never quite forgotten during the century after his death , the Rameau ‘ revival ’ came about as a consequence of the Franco-Prussian War .
29 A passion born of the habit I came by as a girl at school .
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