Example sentences of "came [v-ing] [adv] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Soon the marching changed to slithering as the patrol hit a scree that propelled them forward as if they were on ball-bearings and they came tumbling headlong to the bottom .
2 And , every twenty minutes or so , a storm broke : thunder rumbled , lightning flickered , and tropical rain came crashing down from the showerheads fitted in the ceiling .
3 The ground trembled and over-head many bikes , toy tractors , etc. strung above the ceiling for display purposes , came crashing down upon the team .
4 She must have sat alone there for a good quarter of an hour , singing to herself , before Henry and Lettice came crashing back through the woods , squealing that they had seen Humphrey and Janet and must take to the skiff at once .
5 A car came speeding out of the fog , mounted the pavement and smashed into them .
6 However , I made my position very clear to the Whaddon and Mitchley Argus sports hack , Mark Crowe , when he came sniffing round at the funeral .
7 Scraps of paper , issuing from the city , came twirling in through the cab window .
8 As he entered the paved courtyard the rain came whipping in from the sea , lashing against the car and obliterating everything .
9 Otley came tearing back down the stairs white as a sheet and put the mug of cocoa down on the table .
10 Ranulf and Maltote following suit just as the two crossbow quarrels came whirring out of the darkness , skimming the tops of their heads .
11 ‘ And I knew it from that first day when you came driving down to the chais like a crazy woman .
12 Hers said it was by mistake but I know it was n't and he came wandering out of the wood , all black and shaggy like the Beast in the fairy tale in the most peculiar clothes , very ancient , and dreadful wild hair like pictures of the Prophets . ’
13 Hotspur put up a hand to the furred collar of his cloak , and let it slide from his shoulders ; and like a silent and attentive valet the girl came gliding out of the shadows and took it from him .
14 Caspar came bounding out of the tangle of fallen trees below the cliff .
15 She came stumbling back into the dining car followed by a commotion of people yelling behind her .
16 A group of shaven-headed yobbos , with tattooed cheeks and nationalistic leanings , observed this from the upper deck and came swarming down from the bus .
17 Also , I had sobered up by then and caused some complications by trying to stop the cheque — until my father came squealing on to the line .
18 As she let herself in at the front door her mother 's voice came booming out of the kitchen .
19 A daunting figure came looming out of the night .
20 Zoser came hurrying out of the church and joined his wife .
21 I thought she was talking about you , I mean she never mentioned no names when she came rushing up to the top just the same , do n't know what 's the matter with Wynne today , the edge there Lynda .
22 And Mrs Fawcett came rushing up to the hospital with the perfect solution : she lent me a battery-operated portable radio .
23 He came rushing on to the platform just as a train bound for Debden came in .
24 When responsible citizens or policemen came rushing out into the road to grab at it and avert a disaster , Uncle Titch would leap up from behind his seat and pretend they just had n't noticed him .
25 Two farm hands came rushing out of the barn and ran across the field to the motionless figure .
26 And Manyara came rushing out of the temple .
27 Well , your mother came rushing in from the car with a rare display of energy and snatched it from the fellow 's hands .
28 Memories came rushing back of the night when Johnny had described this room ; the night she had told him about the time hiccup .
29 The glass exploded outwards and rain suddenly came pouring in through the hole .
30 For the first time , Isobel felt a little afraid of him , as all the suppressed fury of a rejected child came pouring out in the music .
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