Example sentences of "went down [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They all went down to the park before hand cos nobody finished the .
2 ‘ The floorboards that went down to the water with Harry , they stayed under .
3 It seemed as good a time as any to go , so I went down to the squat in the King 's Road where I was living and picked up my passport .
4 Unimpressed , I went down to the edge of the fjord to find somewhere to camp .
5 Crunching over the ridges of stones , he went down to the edge of the sea and almost violently wrenched off his shoes .
6 He bared her breasts ; put his tongue to them as his hands went down to the belt of her skirt , to find that she 'd changed for the trip , and was wearing jeans .
7 Some nights , me and Sarah went down to the ocean with a few flasks
8 The three children went down to the station at the right time , dressed in their best clothes , and the Station Master came to meet them .
9 Around twenty-to-eleven , I went down to the kitchen for some milk .
10 Ah , yes — somewhere around ten-forty she went down to the kitchen for some milk , and found the room unduly cold .
11 On 20th February 1803 he recorded a visit to Wastwater , which he reached over Langdale Head , ‘ Went down to the foot of the water , got up the side of the skrees , where there was the most awful and tremendous storm of thunder and lightning and hail I ever remembered .
12 She liked wearing the cap ; it made her feel different , as did the long grey coat that went down to the top of her boots , because then she did not feel like Millie Forester , whose mother and father were dead and had no-one belonging to her , except the fat woman and the man with short legs , but more like a princess who , every now and again , donned strange clothes and went out among the common people , and was kind to them , and yet always remained a princess under the disguise .
13 After he had gone Tristram and Jennifer went down to the end of the orchard where they could be out of sight of the house .
14 He gave her a quick nod of approval and she went down to the end of the shop and began filling in the certificates , taking her information from the records Mr Miller had already made .
15 On Thursday night — late night shopping — Nails went down to the supermarket in his anorak with the big pockets and lifted six electric plugs , four pairs of scissors and a pair of pillowcases which he sold to a friend of his father 's for three pounds .
16 Then he pulled her to him , and kissed her and this time stayed kissing her , and when she did not struggle , he pressed on , and went down to the ground with her and months of longing for her flooded him almost instantly , so that he had no time to swing with her long , cool firmness as he had dreamed of so often , but the instant release in contact with her swept away all his turbulence .
17 When Photoplay 's editor Ken Ferguson went down to the set of The Devil 's Brigade , a World War Two adventure filmed in England in 1968 , he and the other reporters were warned not to try and interview the star .
18 Also we went down to the H.Q. at Pages Park where we saw some men putting up photographs of the line in the past .
19 At half-past eleven he went down to the town with Tony to collect the papers .
20 She had talked of a sex scene when she was on Wogan , but he assumed it would be something more romantic — a magnolia bud of a tit peeping from beneath bed linen as she held out her arms to her lover and the lights went down at the end of the play .
21 The entire high squadron went down with the exception of the leader .
22 In October 1881 fearful storms swept the coasts of Britain , and thirty-one fishing vessels from Eyemouth , near Berwick , went down with the loss of 129 lives .
23 Then he went down on the floor at Christine 's feet .
24 He went down on the floor by her chair .
25 Then he went down on the ground on his hands and knees , like a baby .
26 We are doing a study of Debenham Church in History at the moment and went down into the village in the lesson time to draw the different types of windows in the building .
27 I felt I had stepped back into a thirties ' film and that in the morning , when we went down into the bar for café au lait , Arletty and Jean Gabin would be leaning on the zinc counter .
28 Wonderful Members of Parliament , who , little more than twenty years before , had made themselves merry with the wild railroad theories of engineers , and given them the liveliest rubs in cross-examination , went down into the north with their watches in their hands , and sent on messages before by the electric telegraph , to say that they were coming Night and day the conquering engines rumbled at their distant work , or advancing smoothly to their journey 's end , and gliding like tame dragons into the allotted corners grooved out to the inch for their reception , stood bubbling and trembling there , making the walls quake , as if they were dilating with the secret knowledge of great powers yet unsuspected in them , and strong purposes not yet achieved .
29 She went down into the sitting-room for the night .
30 I do n't really understand it but the the apprentice went down in the pit of course and the older man was above and they worked this saw all this sawdust was coming
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