Example sentences of "went out [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ruth sat silent on the stern thwart as the Drowned Forest receded and the boat went out over the glittering water , into emptiness .
2 Dreamer went out into the still night , wading through the snow .
3 She stayed near him till he slept , went out into the dark hall , switched on the light with pride and with the knowledge of what that little act meant , what it had cost , would cost ; she pressed a tiny switch on the wall , and electrons obediently flowed through cables , because the woman in the Electricity had so ordered it
4 He went out into the dark night , the wind and the rain .
5 His fingers were bloody and in his eyes there was such despair that I could not stand it and went out into the filthy courtyard ’ .
6 He took Hasan 's hand and went out into the clear light of April .
7 Allen picked up the sack and slung it over his shoulder and they all three went out into the open air .
8 He took the Mascot Missile 's keys from the tray in the hall and went out into the driving rain .
9 Taking the lanthorn from the shelf , she lit the tallow candle-stub from the fire 's dying embers , then went out into the hard brilliance of the moonlight .
10 They went out into the cold afternoon .
11 Following her pointing finger , they went out into the raw desert , and dug in the sand .
12 Between two classes I went out into the beautiful gallery on the first floor , open to the cloisters and the courtyard below .
13 Together they went out into the back garden .
14 I drained my mess-tin , got to my feet and went out across the cobbled farmyard , under the arch , and out along the road leading to Brigade H.Q hoping that I would not be requiring the special services offered by the medics .
15 The tension was such that she felt sudden relief as they went out of the small room into the air .
16 I went out of the front door and down the area steps to the basement entrance .
17 Then he crossed the room to collar a departing guest for some last words and they went out of the front door together .
18 He went out of the front entrance , made his way round to the back of the building as snow fell on him .
19 And can the virtue that thus went out of the spiritual reality called England ever be restored ?
20 This week the company went into receivership and the heart went out of the British fashion industry .
21 I thought I saw some students go across the road , they went out of the main entrance and walked
22 I took her hand in mine , and we went out of the ruined place ; and , as the morning mists had risen long ago when I first left the forge , so , the evening mists were rising now , and in all the broad expanse of tranquil light they showed me , I saw no shadow of another parting from her .
23 ‘ All this forelock-tugging went out with the Victorian era .
24 A call of nature interrupted my pleasure and I went out to the necessary house behind the tavern , nothing more than a hole in the ground enclosed by a shabby wooden palisade and a door which bolted from the inside .
25 Louisa received it so , and her heart went out to the suffering woman .
26 But the rabbi was a very kind man and his heart went out to the poor man .
27 After he left the sisters , Corbett went out to the stable yard where Ranulf and Maltote were waiting with the two retainers from the porter 's lodge .
28 One Saturday I went out to the Royal County of Berkshire Polo Club , near Windsor , to watch the Moët et Chandon High Goal Challenge presented by Moët et Chandon in association with Harpers & Queen .
29 So you 've got quite a lot of time Now , there 's some spare ones of these on the front as well When you get this scr scrub out item number eleven which is on the back because these are the notes that w went out for the social psychology exam And I would be you 'd be in a little bit of trouble if you revised wh influences of text ha b li had literature had on our lives , discuss three books , cos it ai n't gon na be on this paper
30 He went out through the glazed garden door at the back of the hall .
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