Example sentences of "went up to [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At Morrison & Gibb , according to one survivor , the girls went up to a special room to learn all the types , and another former Morrison & Gibb " learner " remembered that " you were given a card with the lay of the case " and just had to get on with it , practising until you could pick up the type correctly .
2 In the end , we took a taxi and all went up to the mountainous part — a good way into the interior — to a little village called something like Kaloxilos , where Maria 's grandmother lived and had a garden .
3 I am sure she went up to the poor man 's room , picked up the thread lying there , pulled out the slow fuse , lit it with a tinder and then came back down here . ’
4 They went up to the small room where Eve had lived for as long as she could remember .
5 Patrick took his tea and went up to the first floor , to the long landing window which looked over the village green .
6 Patrick nodded and went up to the front door .
7 With these words , Maisie snapped her mask up to her face and went up to the front door .
8 So I went up to the general manager Mr and he he sa told me certainly I can go .
9 Stairs on the right went up to the sixteen guest rooms .
10 We went up to the second floor and knocked at Manisha 's flat .
11 Blake then went up to the second floor of the block and along to the main window .
12 Alice went up to the second floor in the lift , let herself into the flat and read , for the ninth or tenth time , the letter she had left for Mike .
13 Meg went up to the familiar ward hoping against hope to find Carolyn back in her bed again .
14 He went up to the two detectives and coughed delicately .
15 Now , we very rarely went up to the great city and , when we did , Benjamin kept a close eye and a tight rein on me .
16 After acclamations before the Lateran Palace , like those that had already taken place in front of St Peter 's , the new pope went up to the principal part of the palace , called the Leonine presbyterium , and later celebrated with a banquet .
17 We went up to the top floor and were told to sleep in a room full of grey metal bunks and steel lockers , and to sleep fully clothed to avoid the lice .
18 Several times in the next few months I went up to the top floor again , where I could look out of the high windows in the roof to see the surrounding countryside and be alone with my thoughts .
19 We all went up to the top floor , and entered the room where Mason had been attacked .
20 He went up to the next floor , where uniformed footmen and maids were dispensing coffee and cakes , biscuits and ices .
21 He began to recite a litany of his own successes to himself as he passed down the quiet , thickly carpeted corridors to the executive lift that went up to the eighteenth floor : a new apartment in the smart suburb of Beauséjour ; a smaller apartment in Montparnasse , with a most accommodating young mistress ; two cars , one the largest and latest registration Citroën Familiale ; a generous expense account , which was not queried too closely — he hoped was not queried too closely .
22 Mind , she did n't go out this afternoon cos they went , some of them went up to the British Legion Club this afternoon .
23 Odd , that , Mike thought as he went up to the third floor in the rattling old lift .
24 She wanted to check on some of her cultures before they left the building , so they went up to the third floor and along a corridor lined with rooms numbered for experimentation and behavioural study .
25 Overcome by the regalia worn by this very tall man , John went up to the august personage , slipped a small hand into one of his , and asked ‘ are you the king ? ’
26 They walked to the lift and went up to the fourth floor .
27 Twenty-six out of 40 of the ‘ torturers ’ went up to the 450-volt level .
28 So , I 'd got this house and two or three of us from the refuge went up to the old house and packed everything ready to move .
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