Example sentences of "went [adv prt] [prep] [art] [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 After a little while I went on to the drum with Mr Stevens ’ brother , Sid ; and then I got a full man 's money , one and eightpence , a lot o' money to take home then .
2 We went on to the marshes with the soldiers and found the escaped convicts fighting each other .
3 ‘ The floorboards that went down to the water with Harry , they stayed under .
4 Some nights , me and Sarah went down to the ocean with a few flasks
5 Then he pulled her to him , and kissed her and this time stayed kissing her , and when she did not struggle , he pressed on , and went down to the ground with her and months of longing for her flooded him almost instantly , so that he had no time to swing with her long , cool firmness as he had dreamed of so often , but the instant release in contact with her swept away all his turbulence .
6 At half-past eleven he went down to the town with Tony to collect the papers .
7 Wonderful Members of Parliament , who , little more than twenty years before , had made themselves merry with the wild railroad theories of engineers , and given them the liveliest rubs in cross-examination , went down into the north with their watches in their hands , and sent on messages before by the electric telegraph , to say that they were coming Night and day the conquering engines rumbled at their distant work , or advancing smoothly to their journey 's end , and gliding like tame dragons into the allotted corners grooved out to the inch for their reception , stood bubbling and trembling there , making the walls quake , as if they were dilating with the secret knowledge of great powers yet unsuspected in them , and strong purposes not yet achieved .
8 The penalty seemed harsh as Jones went down in a collision with John Lukic as they both raced for a 50-50 ball .
9 I went down in the lift with Dr Jones in a blazing silence .
10 I went in for a tackle with Brian Mooney and I came off worse because I broke my right leg .
11 So I went in for a scholarship with the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts .
12 ‘ He went off with a lexicographer with cross-eyes and knock-knees and webbed feet — a duck . ’
13 When Dad went off to the pub with the bottles the following day I followed him .
14 ‘ About 2 o'clock , when within about 4 miles of Green Island , for which we were tacking , Mr. Gould went off in a boat with the hope of reaching it before us , and of finding some penguin 's eggs which he is much in want off [ sic ] .
15 Brynllys has been farmed organically by Rachel 's family since 1942 , but until 1982 all the milk went off in the tanker with everybody else 's , putting the lie to the old chestnut that organic producers must have a premium .
16 No I went off in the car with They climbed over the fence .
17 I helped with the cows and the chickens , and went up on the hills with Mr Parks and his dog to look at the sheep .
18 When it came to my turn to be recorded , Gillian went up to the promenade with Stuart .
19 They went up to the street with her , Tom carrying her coat and Peter her case .
20 Suppose she went out into the woods with … him , and they were going to make love … or they 'd done it … and she said ‘ I 'm pregnant , you 're the father , what are you going to do about it ? ’
21 Any hope that the new Ministry of Fuel and Power could rationally ‘ coordinate ’ a national policy on energy inevitably went out of the window with this absence of an acceptable common vocabulary with which to discuss the issues .
22 Rain went out of the room with her .
23 When you went out on a tour with MainMan , you did n't eat in a Wimpey level of place , or stay in the Holiday Inn .
24 Greg went out on the course with Laura about 11 PM and sat at the bleachers on the 18th with a bottle of champagne while he went over his round again .
25 In the afternoon , they went out on the moors with the cameras , and she sat crouched over the plates while the logic of the sentences fell apart completely .
26 Kate went out to the hall with him and Patrick kissed her gently .
27 Occasionally she went out for a drink with Mick O'Shea , who was between girlfriends at the time and was happy to have Kathleen along as pleasant and undemanding company .
28 He , she went out in the car with him one day last year .
29 So Wills went back to the vehicle with his mother and brother .
30 Leaving her mother-in-law in charge of the tea-stall for a few minutes , Elizabeth went back to the inn-yard with Tamar and the coachman .
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