Example sentences of "went [adv] [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We danced until the early hours of the morning when , exhausted , we all went together to a large bedroom and fell asleep .
2 Recently I went outside on a clear night , and started to count the stars I could see inside the Square ; using × 7 .
3 Yeah I was gon na say , she went away as a little kid
4 Tess Lemmon went down to the farm , looked a pig in the eye and , in the spirit of the continuing BBC1 series ‘ Lifesense ’ , went away with a new pig perspective .
5 Do you think the children of the congregation went away with a great love of the mass ?
6 I was so physically tired that I slept as soundly as the corpses outside the window but , unlike them , awoke refreshed and went downstairs to a good breakfast .
7 Having got to Bristol , he went home for a short holiday and died .
8 I picked a fight with the biggest one , which turned into a full-pitch playground battle , and went home with a bloody nose , two black eyes and a front tooth missing . ’
9 So Suzanne went home with a 10 day course of penicillin to take .
10 He went home with a single man whose mantelpiece was crowded with framed family photos — partners , holidays , weddings , babies , graduations , christenings ; the man ( who was gorgeous ) told Boy that he worked in a photo processing lab , and that none of the photos were of his own family or lovers , but were all stolen .
11 They went carefully along a dark passage to some stairs , then suddenly stopped .
12 ‘ You may want to put that over your eyes , the driving 's kinda crazy here , ’ he said as ten cars hurtled forward with absolutely no lane discipline , and all went straight through a red light with furious honking .
13 By now the atmosphere was electric , as Miguelito went straight into a full-blown flamenco , to cheers and whistles and the clatter of castanets .
14 A middle-aged woman , matronly in appearance and , thought Tony , not looking at all comical , went straight into a saucy monologue about an amorous coalman who left dusty handprints on various parts of his lady customers ' anatomies .
15 Wakefield went behind to a fourth-minute penalty by Chris Smith .
16 All went well for a short while , but then his childhood respiratory problems returned .
17 I cheekily went across to a detached cottage and asked if it was possible to get a bite to eat .
18 Up until recently , we had a resident who went across on a regular basis but her health deteriorated , and we have at least three or four who do wander about the shops .
19 Oh I w I went there as a young girl .
20 The do that in wonderful community centre , I went there to a good function the other evening , very good fish and chips and as well .
21 There were a lot of people there who felt seriously about what they were fighting for but people went there for a good fight really , they had n't been able to show any aggression for the last two years .
22 And I went there for a little bit , and then we moved on , moved off from there , do you see ?
23 ‘ Then one night Hugo and Jebb ( The Mouse 's twanging Boothby twins ) went there for a quiet beer and the DJ was going , ‘ I 've heard that a couple of Jacob 's Mouse are here and I want to tell them to get off their high horse and come down to play here .
24 We went there with a new cloth on the drum , as near as could be ; and when we come away there was n't a piece of it no bigger than your hand .
25 Doing Ophelia on stage before taking up the BBC contract meant that I went there with a little track record — I 'd been blooded , if you like , and it made the whole thing a lot better .
26 She could not keep from the house on the bay but went late for a brief evening swim and , elated with resolution , left soon after dinner .
27 Except that they did not go , as promised , to the Rotunda , but went instead to a rival attraction advertised in Saunder 's News-Letter & Daily Advertiser : one , indeed , which ensured that Monsieur Jerricault 's Great Picture did not triumph in Dublin as it had done in London .
28 People would not welcome a move from their home and if closure went ahead over a long period of time staff would inevitably leave .
29 Haslemere went ahead after a determined run by Eddy down the left wing and a cross to Cornish who put the ball past the Trojans 'keeper .
30 They came out at last and Haile Selassie went forward under a crimson canopy to show himself to his people .
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