Example sentences of "went [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They went through the ruins of the outer office and into the dark , fire-blackened space beyond where they had found most of the bodies .
2 Doyle went through the pockets of the two pairs of slacks in the suitcase , but they were empty .
3 Yanto went through the events of the previous night , carefully leaving out his conquest of Molly .
4 In total misery , he watched , from the back of the church , the stony-faced widow , flanked by her husband 's mother , a surprisingly elegant woman in smart black , and his father , a retired Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer looking tired and grey , as they went through the formalities of the service .
5 Lord Osborne said he was satisfied on the evidence that when Ms Sultana went through the formalities of the civil marriage ceremony she did not truly consent to be married to Mr Ahmed .
6 Our dyad looked on as Mohammed Sherif , the co-operative head , aged and bloated by dietary tedium , went through the formalities with the buyer .
7 He managed only 1.91 metres ( his best is 2.14 ) , went through the motions in the final event of the first day , and quit .
8 He felt that on the final day of their three-day visit the inspectors went through the files with the respective partners too quickly .
9 We went through the recommendations from the report one by one .
10 Balor gave a last bubbling cry and a sudden ripple of triumph went through the Trees as the farthest of the Oaks pulled free an arm and held it aloft , a bloody stump , a torn-off gobbet of flesh .
11 The helmsboy went between the pierheads with the throttle wide open , in order to show he was not , in any way , unnerved .
12 We went behind the scenes for the latest in our series , Inside the Globe .
13 On hearing of these terms and before Ferdinand died , Sancho refused to accept this partition on the grounds that it went against the rights of the eldest son .
14 First time I went to London , I was about as old as Emily , I went with , we went with the Brownies for the trip , we went to the zoo
15 And er after that , my father went with the rounds with the collieries , where you had to belong to union to go to them , and Colliery did n't accept what was called the old union .
16 and again rose , the pastor taking the cup and speaking the chosen words , whilst those who served went with the cups among the congregation …
17 So I went with the men to the large house where Judge Kerwin lived .
18 Well I was er it would be about nineteen twenty two , I was about , cos I , I was er used trip the light fantastic fantastic a bit you know when I ran about seventeen and we used to which billiard hall there was an entrance from Street and it went up the steps into the dance hall , it was over the top of the billiard hall right to the private houses next to them , it was quite a I was sixteen , seventeen in that er dance hall at the time .
19 Wycliffe went up the steps to the verandah and peered through the window , but because of reflections it was not easy to see inside .
20 There was nothing visible downstairs where we were , so immediately went up the stairs at the side to the production level where the blast had come from , and there we met a group of people who had just come out of the control room and they were cut and suffering from shock 'cos the blast had obviously well it d nearly blown the control room apart .
21 ‘ I really must think about the whole question , ’ she thought , as she went up the stairs to the flat .
22 They went up the stairs to the darkroom .
23 As they went up the stairs to the apartment on the first floor of the block , he gripped Davide by the arm , and said , ‘ For God 's sake , and for your children 's , do n't touch the case .
24 ‘ You went into the wings on the O.P. side of the stage to shoot Alex Household .
25 And I went into the workshops in the depot .
26 Some of the money went into the pockets of individuals but most went into the coffers of the local or central parties or helped finance the mysterious research institutes which seemed indispensable to Roman politics .
27 When we were in London , we often went in the evenings to the Mermaid Tavern in Cheapside .
28 He tried to devise new and better ways of operating the machines in the bottle works where he was employed and , realizing that he needed to increase his knowledge of science and mathematics if he was to exploit his ideas , he went in the evenings to the nearby Mechanics ' Institute and also took lessons in trigonometry from a local clergyman .
29 In fact , Miriam went from the studios to the airport and back to America where she now ‘ largely ’ , and I mean that in yet another caring way , works .
30 Rose Lipman went round the dressing-rooms before the half-hour call to wish everyone good luck .
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