Example sentences of "went [adv] to [art] [num ord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The jockey went on to a second success for Playing Truant 's trainer David Gandolfo , partnering Ballyroe Lady to victory in the Tattersalls Mares Only Novices ' Chase .
2 I tried boxing when I was fifteen and won a bout against an opponent who was smaller than me and who normally wore thick glasses ; I went on to the second round of the competition and was beaten flat in thirty seconds by a demon midget who hammered me onto the ropes and kept hitting me until the referee stopped the bout before I suffered permanent damage .
3 Well , we really got on well together , and when the bell rang for the first round we went on to the first tee and an official is there to check out which clubs and what type of ball Butch is using .
4 But her host 's calm demeanour as he scribbled a few notes and went on to the next call calmed her fears .
5 She went on to the next cubicle , a simple fractured thumb that even Joe Reynolds had managed to diagnose and set without too much trouble .
6 I went on to the next level to see Midnight Run .
7 Any erm deficiency at the end of the financial year was made up by a rate demand , erm so i the it was n't the same in all municipal undertakings , some of them were allowed to carry forward their balances but Ipswich , whether it was erm , er by law or er a , oh I do n't know what it be , perhaps needed that they got to be , the erm balance of the year had to be balanced at the end of the year , so you had a rate demand and of course that rate demand went on to the next year 's rates .
8 How they went on to the next thing with such satisfaction and certainty .
9 Then you went on to the next thing you all done the same thing over and over again .
10 At sixteen , Coleby left school with two ‘ O ’ levels , while Peter went on to the sixth form .
11 Then I saw an advert for a new consciousness-raising group in Spare Rib , and went along to the first meeting .
12 When they 'd putted out he went down to the 7th tee .
13 She went down to the next floor and called Rosa Kenny .
14 At least 12 other women candidates went through to the second round of voting .
15 You know and it even went through to the next floor you know into the bedroom like .
16 He was a miner and he went off to the First World War and got killed .
17 Patrick took his tea and went up to the first floor , to the long landing window which looked over the village green .
18 We went up to the second floor and knocked at Manisha 's flat .
19 Blake then went up to the second floor of the block and along to the main window .
20 Alice went up to the second floor in the lift , let herself into the flat and read , for the ninth or tenth time , the letter she had left for Mike .
21 He went up to the next floor , where uniformed footmen and maids were dispensing coffee and cakes , biscuits and ices .
22 He began to recite a litany of his own successes to himself as he passed down the quiet , thickly carpeted corridors to the executive lift that went up to the eighteenth floor : a new apartment in the smart suburb of Beauséjour ; a smaller apartment in Montparnasse , with a most accommodating young mistress ; two cars , one the largest and latest registration Citroën Familiale ; a generous expense account , which was not queried too closely — he hoped was not queried too closely .
23 Odd , that , Mike thought as he went up to the third floor in the rattling old lift .
24 She wanted to check on some of her cultures before they left the building , so they went up to the third floor and along a corridor lined with rooms numbered for experimentation and behavioural study .
25 They walked to the lift and went up to the fourth floor .
26 The chapel went back to the thirteenth century ; in the Restoration of Charles II Archbishop Frewen gave the house a façade to the river and built a magnificent dining room ; and during the eighteenth century Archbishop Drummond added a Gothic gatehouse and made the surround a charming bit of eighteenth-century Gothic .
27 After I started with Veronica , Mrs D went back to the First Spiritualists . ’
28 He put the letter in his Out tray and moved on to another piece of paper , and then he stopped and went back to the first letter .
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