Example sentences of "off [coord] [vb base] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If you have no secretary to fend off telephone calls turn the telephone off or take it off the hook while you are conducting the interview .
2 Has the Prime Minister seen the prospectus from Pathfinders Repossessions plc , which is a company which proposes to buy repossessed homes at auction and then flog them off or rent them at a huge profit ?
3 Oh you 've got to take your ring off and measure it round the circle .
4 I 'm looking for the magical pleasureboat , to carry us off and lose us in a kingdom out at sea .
5 Three children , aged between four and seven , scream as uniformed East Berlin police drag them and their mother off and push them into a lorry as they stand outside the US embassy in East Berlin , hoping desperately to get inside .
6 Far better to broaden their remit through touring , education work , equal opportunities , it argues , than to cut them off and drive them into the arms of market forces .
7 He took his glasses off and put them on the table , and his eyes were dancing as she had n't seen them dance since the night he had revealed the identity of Miguelito .
8 Kate pulled her coat off and put it on the banisters .
9 And you ken they used to lift it off and put it in the ground .
10 ‘ Wash it off and put it in the meter for me , would you , Tom ?
11 If the horse suddenly starts bucking when we ride it , and we jump off and swat it with a cane ; the horse will remember , but it may remember the wrong thing .
12 The fact that you can turn the engine off and use it as a glider must extend the appeal of this unusual creature which hardly fits the general public 's notion of a microlight .
13 When the claimant was a relative or friend , the first reaction after the hugs and kisses was to take hold of the label round the child 's neck , tear it off and throw it to the ground .
14 ‘ Chop 'em off and throw 'em in the dustbin , you understand ? ’
15 Or I 'll switch you off and drop you over the side .
16 If you go out and switch her light off and leave her in the room .
17 One day soon I will rip its beak off and glue it onto the end of my own fine aquiline conk , and , secure in my new disguise , I 'll be down to the Inland Revenue Enforcement ( B ) in Barrington Road and scrabbling frantically at my tax inspector 's trousers ( I may be wrong , but I picture them as that specially rich shade of brown polyester-and-worsted that only Dunn & Co can achieve ) before you can say , ‘ Well , what 's got into you , dearie ? ’
18 Do n't pull them off but dab them with a little paraffin .
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