Example sentences of "why [vb mod] [adv] [pers pn] just [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Why could n't they just leave well alone and let pupils concentrate on the three Rs ?
2 Why could n't they just understand that she did n't want to be married and settled with umpteen kids and a mortgage up to the sky and no life to call her own ?
3 Why could n't he just talk about it reasonably ?
4 So why could n't he just have a photograph of his sales team portraying the kind of team spirit that runs throughout the branch ?
5 Why could n't he just get over her ?
6 Why could n't I just have gone to the cops and reported my stuff missing ? 'Cos I was missing myself , that 's why .
7 Why could n't you just stay in the back of beyond ? ’ she said .
8 If you wanted planning permission for the land so badly , why could n't you just ask ? ’
9 Why could n't she just ignore him ? she wondered despairingly .
10 Why could n't she just leave things and be coolly polite ?
11 Why could n't she just relax and enjoy the evening , like everyone else ?
12 Why would n't she just tell him instead of giving those long , mournful glances ?
13 Why ca n't they just tell you ?
14 Why ca n't they just ransom me ?
15 So why , why , why ca n't you just erm why ca n't they just take a bit off everybody in that case and , and inflict the same degree ?
16 Yet there 's nothing sordid to it , so why ca n't they just accept that Rosemary made a terrible mistake and married a rotter .
17 Er , why ca n't they just look at , er do a means test for child benefit ?
18 Why ca n't we just have them in a loose-leaf binder with dividers in , and let the engineer decide how to hold documentation together ?
19 Why ca n't you just stay home forever , daddy ?
20 ‘ What I mean is , why ca n't you just admit that it was wonderfully exciting to fuck somebody else ? ’
21 Why ca n't you just leave me alone ? ’
22 Why ca n't you just leave me alone ? ’
23 Why ca n't you just leave me alone ? ’
24 Why ca n't you just leave it on ?
25 It 's a glorious , peaceful summer day — why ca n't you just lie back like me and soak up some of those gorgeous golden rays ? ’
26 But why ca n't you just put one over the top there or something ?
27 Why ca n't you just use a task request form that says .
28 Why ca n't you just say : " There 's a bloke I 've met and I 'm bringing him home for tea on Tuesday . "
29 Why ca n't you just let me live my life how I want to ? ’
30 Why ca n't he just interview me , ask my experience as a waitress ?
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