Example sentences of "'ll [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Do you reckon she 'll prefer it in that colour ?
2 I 'll make them into double deckers .
3 You do n't believe for a minute that this government will stand by while the two biggest general unions get together , no way , they 'll attack us in any way they can and I warn ya they have n't run out of ideas yet .
4 I think candidates who are thinking of applying for entry in nineteen eighty-five , who are now say seventeen coming on eighteen , have got three or four years ahead of them at university , which is a considerable time , and if nothing else , university will make them question themselves , what their interests are , and they 'll introduce them to new subjects , new areas of study , and it may be a mistake to embark on a vocational course , and discover halfway through that actually it 's not what you want to do .
5 And er she says Jean I swear to God she says if she comes over near my door , I 've told Jim she says , I , I 'm ready for her I 'll beat her round that square and she said I 'm not like that but she says that 's just the way she says , and she hurt my kids when I sent them Easter eggs over , doing that she says , that really galled me , she says cos they were hurting my kids rather than me .
6 I 'll bring us in some coffee . ’
7 I tell you what you 'll give 'em till next Tuesday and if it do n't come by then you still , you can just cancel it save up
8 Yeah , well okay then we 'll do it at that meeting and work it out then right ?
9 Yeah , we 'll do it for three months
10 ‘ But they 'll welcome him with open arms , bringing them medical aid .
11 Mr Dare — he 's the vicar — has started a campaign for livening things up , so he 'll welcome you with open arms .
12 ‘ I 'll collect you in thirty minutes .
13 Give us a ring Nottingham three four three four three four we 'll send them by first class post and we 'll put need your postcode .
14 ‘ We 'll send him for another x-ray when he 's completed his course of strep . ’
15 Now the tickets are four quid each , you can get 'em on the door , but if you 'd like two tickets , phone us on , we 'll send 'em by first class post , we need your postcode , give us a ring now , if you 'd like two tickets for the grand charity dance , modern , old-time and sequence featuring Phil , resident organist at the Tower Ballroom Blackpool .
16 She said , we 'll ring you about any discrepancies on Monday did n't actually say we 'll ring you about the discrepancies on Monday .
17 Hoddle says I shook hands at the end and I 'll see you on New Year 's Day .
18 We 'll see you in five minutes . ’
19 I 'll see you in five minutes . ’
20 Then she said , " I 'll see you in five weeks , " and sighed again .
21 But er we 'll see you in four weeks .
22 And w we 'll see you in four weeks again .
23 You 'll provide us with sufficient entries so that the people who are man it get in and car parking .
24 ‘ Mr Jacobsen , ’ she said , the words low and heavy with threat , ‘ if you ever try anything like that with me again I 'll report you for sexual harassment so fast you wo n't know what 's hit you .
25 I 'll keep him on that stuff
26 I 'll keep it in this tin in this draw .
27 That 'll keep you in black pudding for a while , Brian !
28 They 'll keep us in good standing with the king still .
29 And I ring up B H and I say , I 'm sorry about Tuesday night , but I 've got this guy that wants to see me , it 's really good , and she 'll say , alright , you 're starting off , O K , off you go , we 'll rearrange it for next week .
30 It 's not that ‘ they 're saying , ‘ We 've got these things that do n't work well and we 'll dump them on unsuspecting countries . ’ ’
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