Example sentences of "must be [verb] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the case of statutory orders , any specific requirements as to publication must be stated in the enabling act .
2 Years before , Lord Camden had insisted that the principles of the law of nature must be incorporated in the British Constitution if they were to be observed , and that they actually were so incorporated .
3 Where either party gives particulars RSC Ord 18 , r12(7) provides that both request and particulars must be incorporated in the same document and go into the bundle of pleadings immediately after the pleading to which they refer .
4 Among other points in the opinion , sex discriminatory actuarial factors within the scheme are not allowed — benefits for women and men must be calculated in the same way , although unisex pricing of annuities on the market do not seem required .
5 Whether , and how far , he changed in his later years must be examined in the next chapter .
6 If the debtor resided in one district and carried on business in another , the petition must be presented in the latter ( r 6.9(3) ) and if he has carried on business in more than one district , the petition must be presented in the court for the district which was his principal place of business ( r 6.9(4) ) .
7 The workhouse must be presented in the best possible light .
8 Secondly , the measurements on the statistical variable to be mapped must be presented in the same order that the zone outlines are listed in the data file .
9 The government has a fifty billion pound deficit and so taxation must be increased in the short term .
10 Above this limit , bills must be taxed in the usual way .
11 When the shift of emphasis from moral to liturgical kingship came , it must be seen in the changing political context of ninth- and tenth-century Europe , and the emergence of new dynasties all over the once-unified empire of Charlemagne ; one of their principal qualifications to rule was their capacity to defeat external enemies .
12 In our view , the impact of out-of-town shopping on the viability and vitality of town centres must be seen in the wider context of the growing imbalance between private and public modes of transport .
13 It must be recalled in the first place that in Reg. v. Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food , Ex parte Agegate Ltd .
14 This must be done in the correct order .
15 This must be done in the shortest possible time .
16 But this takes out a philosophical loan that must be repaid in the post-philosophical sciences which explain the affinity in question .
17 The supracultural dimension of the gospel must be demonstrated in the strife-torn world of today .
18 This obviously must be channelled in the right direction !
19 The rains may disappear as suddenly as they arrived ; the pond may dry out within a few days , and so the whole cycle of breeding activity must be completed in the shortest possible time .
20 First of all , note that the mutual inductance must be connected in the correct sense otherwise achievement of balance will be impossible .
21 The WWF spokesman said that canoeing was not a problem but until the law is changed ‘ a canoe must be treated in the same way as the QE2 ’ and if one were permitted to use the Derwent then so would the other .
22 The new guidelines , which closely follow those proposed by the National Research Council ( NRC ) in 1989 , stress that there is no conceptual distinction between genetic modification of plants and microorganisms by traditional methods or molecular techniques , and that all products , whether genetically modified or not , must be treated in the same way .
23 It must be observed in the first place that , as Community law stands at present , competence to determine the conditions for the registration of vessels is vested in the member states .
24 Arrested persons must be cautioned in the following terms : ‘ You do not have to say anything unless you wish to do so , but what you say may be given in evidence . ’
25 The person in doubt can choose , but his choice must be made in the full light of knowing what he is doing — disbelieving , not doubting .
26 Nelson wrote ‘ I have applications from the different line of battle ships for surveys on most of their sails and running rigging which can not be complied with as there is neither cordage nor sails to replace the unserviceable stores and therefore the evil must be combated in the best manner possible . ’
27 Where there is a committee , it is that committee from whom sanction must be sought in the first instance .
28 Rather , the differences must be sought in the regulatory genes and proteins that control spatial organization .
29 Clues must be sought in the post-glacial history .
30 Where essential to the sense of the passage any such terms must be defined in the same document .
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