Example sentences of "must be [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The information must be matched to the business 's objectives and critical success factors .
2 A central issue would be the implications of the expected decline of oil production , which must be matched by the rise of some alternative source of export earnings or import savings .
3 ‘ If we are going to build the best stadium in England , it must be matched by the team .
4 Surely , as prime evidence of date and function the artefacts must be integrated into the excavation report itself and the artificial division into materials replaced by objects grouped according to function and deposit .
5 If Shaun is telling the truth , he must be pitied for the situation he has got himself into .
6 If a plaintiff abandons the excess of his claim to bring it within the jurisdiction of the county court , the abandonment must be stated at the end of the particulars ( Ord 6 , r 1(3) ) .
7 The shorthand notes must be submitted with the transcription and the name of the shorthand system used must be stated by the candidate on the bag envelope .
8 The shorthand notes must be submitted with the transcription and the name of the shorthand system used must be stated by the candidate on the bag envelope .
9 The shorthand notes must be submitted with the transcription and the name of the shorthand system used must be stated by the candidate on the bag envelope .
10 Grounds must be stated in the application ( Ord 37 , r 7 and see notes under " Arbitrations " — Chapter 13 ) .
11 The fact that the registered office is located in England , Wales or Scotland must be stated in the memorandum of association , and the full address must be filed with the Registrar of Companies .
12 ( a ) Incorporation The first requirement for an exclusion clause to be effective at common law is that the clause must be incorporated into the contract .
13 A degree of flexibility must be incorporated into the system .
14 This has one most significant aspect in that soil conservation is not singled out as a specific and separate problem to be solved by a particular policy — it is conceived of as normal practice and must be incorporated into the business of improving incomes for farmers .
15 In this simple model the Phillips curve assumes a role analogous to that of the budget constraint in traditional price theory : it is the ineluctable constraint which must be incorporated into the maximization procedure .
16 The changes brought about by electronically based information technology are so fundamental that , for the historian at least , they must be equated with the invention and spread of printing or perhaps even the initial development of the written record .
17 Firstly we note that the magnet flux linkage with each winding is not quoted explicitly , so this parameter of the motor must be calculated from the information given .
18 It was stressed in Chapter 3 that observation statements must be formulated in the language of some theory .
19 To the extent that they are thus led to perform well this is obviously desirable ; the problem is that , in attempting to avoid noticeable mistakes , they ignore the costs that must be borne by the public .
20 Much of the blame must be borne by the miners themselves .
21 The song was written out of profound emotion by Morrissey , a Mancunian who feels that the particularly horrific crime it describes must be borne by the conscience of Manchester and that it must never happen again .
22 Furthermore , where an Act of parliament imposes a statutory duty on the defendant(s) to perform some necessary function , such as the provision of electricity or gas and public sewers , if in carrying out this statutory duty a nuisance arises by way of odours , for example , then in the absence of negligence the nuisance must be borne by the neighbours , however injurious to them or their property .
23 The case of bakery workers provides a parallel : ‘ For those trying to survive , empty stretches of time must be structured , and an alternative content — some psychological colour — must be injected into the present in order to make it tolerable ’ .
24 Many women who work have other responsibilities which must be harmonised with the responsibility to their employer .
25 If the aborted DC(s) reference other modules which ARE required , then new DCs , referencing these modules , must be activated through the package .
26 Behind this announcement is the political point emphasised in the February 1988 White Paper , the short-and-long term unemployed who are ‘ respectable ’ must be differentiated from the sign on and work ‘ unrespectable ’ .
27 If any alterations are made to the contract , or conditions added to it , then such must be initialled by the parties to the contract .
28 For people who must be detained for the protection of the public because of the horrific nature of their crimes , we should be designing units which will genuinely help them to change to whatever extent is possible .
29 Priorities regarding the degree of urgency of an appointment must be decided on the basis of the information received in the referral letter .
30 During a visit to Moscow on Feb. 11-12 by Kohl and Hans-Dietrich Genscher , the West German Foreign Minister , President Gorbachev of the Soviet Union declared that " the unity of the German nation must be decided by the Germans themselves " .
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