Example sentences of "must [be] [verb] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 Where either party gives particulars RSC Ord 18 , r12(7) provides that both request and particulars must be incorporated in the same document and go into the bundle of pleadings immediately after the pleading to which they refer .
2 Among other points in the opinion , sex discriminatory actuarial factors within the scheme are not allowed — benefits for women and men must be calculated in the same way , although unisex pricing of annuities on the market do not seem required .
3 The bow may be fired three times in the shooting phase , but it must be fired at the same target ( be this a unit of troops , a monster , or whatever ) .
4 Secondly , the measurements on the statistical variable to be mapped must be presented in the same order that the zone outlines are listed in the data file .
5 An essential first step is to demonstrate that pre-training must be given with the same stimuli as are used in the test phase .
6 We had discussed this business of how people 's appearance literally alters in the eyes of their lovers , and suddenly I blushed , for it seemed to me he must be remembering this too , and that we must be looking for the same thing , as one might take down an old book in a moment of hungry nostalgia and start to re-read , hoping it may provide the same remembered enchantment as before .
7 The WWF spokesman said that canoeing was not a problem but until the law is changed ‘ a canoe must be treated in the same way as the QE2 ’ and if one were permitted to use the Derwent then so would the other .
8 The new guidelines , which closely follow those proposed by the National Research Council ( NRC ) in 1989 , stress that there is no conceptual distinction between genetic modification of plants and microorganisms by traditional methods or molecular techniques , and that all products , whether genetically modified or not , must be treated in the same way .
9 Materials procurement and usage must be planned to the same level of detail as labour and plant .
10 The " offer of amends " would be a valuable protection for the media in cases of unintentional defamation , were it not encumbered by what the Faulks Committee described as " expensive rigmarole " — a procedure which requires the swearing of a detailed affidavit about how the confusion arose , which must be served at the same time as the offer of amends .
11 The return must be made along the same track : a rough walk , there and back , of six miles .
12 Special mention must be made of the same F/O N G Pickard and F/C E E Heering who ferried seventeen and thirteen aircraft respectively to Renfrew during this transfer .
13 Where essential to the sense of the passage any such terms must be defined in the same document .
14 This does not necessarily mean that a diversity of penal aims is ruled out , but each of the different aims must be justified by the same general philosophy if our position is to be coherent .
15 Thus , for example , at the outset he excludes consideration of budgetary information , because he feels that to have validity in financial reports it must be produced on the same basis as the financial accounts .
16 This idea of a white conspiracy , between police , unemployed youth , employers , and the mass media relies on the assumption that equivalent effects in disparate contexts must be produced by the same omnipresent agency or cause .
17 The meeting must be convened in the same way , as nearly as possible , as that in which meetings are to be convened by the directors and must be held not later than 3 months from the date of service of the notice .
18 Remember that champions must be equipped in the same manner as the regiment they are part of .
19 Must be taken at the same time daily or no more than three hours late .
20 In order for this to work , the machine code program must be loaded into the same address each time .
21 From these assumptions there naturally followed the idea that a balance between the maritime strengths of the European States must be safeguarded in the same way as that between their territories in Europe .
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