Example sentences of "must [vb infin] [adv] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For some reason , this letter so unnerved her that she thought she must rush down to the sea at once , and run the thudding in her head quite out of it .
2 People must think hard about the job they 're doing ; how they can make it safer .
3 Every user of LIFESPAN must log on to the system via a unique user name and password , allocated in this way .
4 The factors which come within the first category are those which must exist independently of the substance to be decided .
5 What was made clear was the TUC 's opinion that the control of the dispute must remain firmly in the hands of the APEX executive .
6 She must remain discreetly in the background — in the wings as it were — being ever attentive to Anne 's requirements and reputation , and acting with prudence and discretion whensoever the need arose .
7 This does not mean , however , that Elizabeth has no freedom of action at all ; it is simply that her actions must stay well within the bounds that society has placed on her .
8 The identified competences must relate realistically to the tasks students will eventually undertake within industry and this is where the apparent limitation of the group membership , mentioned above , is put in perspective .
9 Programs chosen must also be relevant to the subject matter studied by pupils and not artificially inserted into the curriculum The software must relate directly to the way in which the sub being taught in a particular school and one disadvantage of generally produced software , in history for example , is that it may be rely in one school but not in another .
10 It must relate directly to the facts in issue in a case or be relevant to those facts in that it tends to prove or disprove them in some way .
11 ( c ) The causation of the public nuisance or the threat to public order must arise out of the use of the premises for the sale of alcoholic liquor .
12 If you must jump out of the loop , you should use UNTIL TRUE to " pop " the stack .
13 But by March that year the Chiefs of Staff were recording a victory for their view of the Middle East , and were arguing that this implied that Britain must hang on to the right to return to bases in Egypt , even in the absence of agreement .
14 But if a statement such as ‘ John is tall ’ is to be true , then the predicate ‘ is tall ’ must latch on to the world , just as ‘ John ’ does .
15 However , where negotiation fails , the parties must fall back on the law , and their rights and liabilities will then be governed by the terms of their contract .
16 Despite holding political appointments , in all matters of criminal prosecution they must act independently of the interests of government .
17 You must wait outside near the sitting-room window , and when it opens , watch me inside .
18 Before this tempting carrot can be reached , however , you must teeter carefully across the scoop , mindful of the ever-growing distance from the unforgiving ground .
19 So , for example , s 24 assumes that all partners may take part in the management of the business , that no person can be introduced as a partner without the consent of all the existing ones , that all the partners are entitled to share equally in the capital and profits of the business and must contribute equally towards the losses sustained by the firm .
20 Section 24 lays down the basic default rules as to the interests and duties of partners subject to their special agreements : The interests of partners in the partnership property and their rights and duties in relation to the partnership shall be determined , subject to any agreement express or implied between the partners , by the following rules : ( 1 ) All the partners are entitled to share equally in the capital and profits of the business , and must contribute equally towards the losses whether of capital or otherwise sustained by the firm .
21 If we wish to explore medieval towns and fathom their history before 1150 we must do so with the spade and the trowel — or else study first their site , their topography and their physical remains .
22 ‘ it is , in my view , clear that the court , in considering whether a continuing situation of one or other of the kinds described in section 1(2) ( a ) exists , must do so at the point of time immediately before the process of protecting the child concerned is first put into motion .
23 If a meme is to dominate the attention of a human brain , it must do so at the expense of ‘ rival ’ memes .
24 The firm which wishes to increase its market share in a static market must do so at the expense of its competitors .
25 A private individual who buys a minority shareholding in a non-dividend paying private company as a pure portfolio investment must do so on the basis of some prospect which , if realised , will provide him with the return he seeks .
26 If they wish to cancel any of the rooms allocated they must do so within the time limit set by the hotel or they will be billed for them .
27 Most governments and political parties in western Europe agree that Europe must do more in the way of co-operative research and development , the establishment of European technical standards , and so on .
28 You will be informed when the date has been fixed for the appeal to be heard in Court when you must appear personally before the Court in support of your Appeal .
29 Extensions to Belfast 's port facilities and to its harbour airport , announced last week , must encroach further on the mudflats at Belfast Lough , Alison McCloy , of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds , warned in a lecture .
30 Since May was seventy-two when his book was published , it is clear that many of his recipes must date back to the days of Queen Elizabeth 1st .
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