Example sentences of "must [vb infin] [pron] [noun] of the " in BNC.

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1 The Social Democrat , Lord Kennet , the first opponent of research to speak , said : ‘ Those who say that this full-stop-sized mini-blob is not a human being must answer which part of the question they object to : human or being ?
2 This discrepancy , however , disappears when we recognize that it is not in individual nerve impulses that we must seek our representations of the world , but in their patterns .
3 This means that the machine must know which stitch of the pattern to start knitting at , in order for stitch one of the pattern to fall at the N1 cam ( stitch one being the stitch at the left of the pattern on the mylar sheet ) .
4 On 26 January he must give his State of the Union address in which he will outline his major tax proposals .
5 One consequence of this is that we must adjust our account of the referential locus .
6 I wish to use it to reinforce the message of the forthcoming Earth Summit — that we must develop our part of the world in a more sustainable way .
7 ‘ And I must hear your side of the story , Wilson .
8 It also describes the way the New OED Computer Group and the Computer Services Department must complete their sections of the forms to inform the lexicographers that the tasks set by the issuing of these forms have been completed .
9 An oral practice exercise where the learner must complete his half of the dialogue by listening carefully to each stimulus .
10 In return , Israel must end its occupation of the West Bank and Gaza , territories that it captured in a war in 1967 , and let the Palestinians have a state there .
11 Now we know that gale-force winds in the Channel can topple sightscreens , we must put them upwind of the pavilion this winter , and build a new pavilion out of the insurance claim when they crash through the roof .
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