Example sentences of "must [adv] be [vb pp] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 An image is a pictorial understanding of a kind which is true so far as it goes , but which falls short of full rational clarity , and must eventually be superseded by a concept .
2 We are involved in an exercise of partnership through sharing know-how with those republics in a wide variety of different areas , but any changes must necessarily be made by the republics themselves .
3 ( 3 ) The announcement of an offer must only be made by an offeror after the most careful and responsible consideration and when the offeror has every reason to believe that he can and will continue to be able to implement the offer ( eg he has the money ) .
4 A Chambon must only be used by an experienced person and introduced gradually to avoid problems , such as the horse rearing .
5 The measure , which must still be approved by the full cabinet and parliament , will apply to German as well as foreign manufacturers ( the latter represented by importers ) .
6 Even if this appears to have occurred , a deconstructive account will show how such a text had to dissimulate in order to cover over its own openings , or , to put it the other way round , it will show how history must always be organized by an attempted occlusion of its own conditions of historicity .
7 Thus in the army of Frederick II it was a rule that when passing through wooded country in which escape would be relatively easy infantry units must always be surrounded by cavalry patrols ; and that when detached to fetch wood or water ordinary soldiers must always be accompanied by an officer .
8 Once we can rid ourselves of the dual notions that some magic divides jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional questions and that all matters of law have one inexorably correct meaning which must always be supplied by the courts , we are in a position to make a reasoned choice .
9 Anything considered holy by a previous religious faith must automatically be damned by a new religion .
10 At the same time the stability of the product must also be studied by the storage of the product in inert tightly closed containers ( see controls below ) .
11 In the end , we shall have to ensure that all laws passed by the Council must also be passed by the Parliament .
12 A distinctive European technology must also be driven by the needs of civil society , not those of the military .
13 The copy delivered to the Registrar must also be signed by the auditors .
14 The political ideology ( philosophy ) of a government must also be considered by a lending banker ( or investor ) .
15 Clearly , the existing technologies are a limitation and multimedia must temporarily be constrained by the platforms currently available to deliver it .
16 The first physical separation must later be followed by a psychological separation so that the child can become an independent adult .
17 However , Labour ministers accept that Palestinian delegates must inevitably be authorised by the PLO and they see these delegates as a channel to the PLO .
18 It is not surprising , therefore , that when the National Trust announced that it had recruited its 2 millionth member last autumn , rejoicing was not unmixed with the occasional grumble that the Trust had become too big ; in other words there was a presumption by some that such a large membership must inevitably be accompanied by the onset of unwieldiness and bureaucracy in the organisation itself .
19 As these questions had not been directly answered , they must now be answered by the Court .
20 It was in response to that application that the committee yesterday published its findings , which must now be digested by the Law Society before it formally applies to the Lord Chancellor for extended rights of audience .
21 Participation in the affairs of State and open discussions of political matters must now be tempered by the need for survival between the testing conditions of competition abroad and what results from the State 's reactions to these conditions , the resentments of the population at home .
22 For example , most engineering degrees must now be accredited by the engineering institutions and ultimately by the Engineering Council if graduates wish to become chartered engineers and members of those institutions , so the way in which courses develop is very much dictated by the whims of the engineering institutes .
23 But the more genuine the competition , the more ineffective do government-imposed controls become as a way of affecting enterprise behaviour , since it must increasingly be governed by the ‘ logic ’ of the market rather than of political control .
24 To convert national income into real output per capita , it is necessary to make two adjustments : ( i ) national income must be deflated by an appropriate price index to convert it to real terms ; ( ii ) the figure must then be divided by the population to convert it to per capita terms .
25 I refer to our meeting on Thursday 15 July 1993 and your subsequent letter dated 27 July 1993 and repeat that your reqest for back dating of your regrading will require to be discussed with the Department of Management and Information Services and , if agreed , must then be approved by the Personnel Committee .
26 The limits of that practice of obedience must therefore be constituted by the boundaries of that political morality .
27 OLIVER said that words like everyone and someone and no-one are singular pronouns and must therefore be followed by the singular possessive pronoun , namely his .
28 The squares of the data values require more than six decimal figures and must therefore be truncated by the computer .
29 It must therefore be accompanied by a issue number change .
30 It must therefore be accompanied by an acceptance by the nuclear powers of ( 1 ) a renunciation of their use , including ( and especially ) a pledge of no-first-strike even in the event of a conventional attack ; and ( 2 ) the acceptance of a duty to disarm .
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