Example sentences of "must [adv] [verb] in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Also new is the requirement that a private company which has elected under the substituted section 252 to dispense with the laying of accounts before a general meeting or , under section 366A , to dispense with the holding of annual general meetings , must so state in the return .
2 Note that the character string END-OF must not appear in the description in such a way that it is aligned with the other keywords in the header , or a scanner error will result .
3 She has also been told that she must not remain in the room after 11:30pm and that the campus is off limits for her 18-month-old miniature dachshund .
4 Similarly , where there are insufficient funds in the scheme to meet the cost of equalisation , the national courts must decide the scheme 's and employer 's respective liability , but national law must not stand in the way of Article 199 .
5 The limited partner must not participate in the management of the partnership .
6 In addition , the firm must ensure that payment dates and amounts to be paid out as retirement or other benefits to the former partner are fixed , and the former partner must not participate in the practice 's professional activities — even using office accommodation or secretarial and IT support is banned .
7 On the other hand , such an authority must act in good faith , use the powers for the purpose for which they were given , take into account relevant matters and disregard the irrelevant , and must not act in a way so unreasonable that no reasonable authority could have so acted .
8 Like those sad old men and women who haunt every casino , they knew the wheel must always win in the end .
9 The other objection , which I personally would see as more formidable , lies in the complications of development in sexuality and relationships which must usually arise in the child partner .
10 As my hair turns grey and falls out I must also put in a plug for senior sailors with earlier retirement
11 His or her work must inevitably lie in an area where public anger , resentment and guilt are rife .
12 It seemed as if the entire structure of the office block must surely collapse in a grinding , tearing , disintegrating avalanche of rubble .
13 Well it must either go in the kitchen or in the cupboard somewhere , but you know ?
14 Revolutionary violence must actively assist in the formation of new relations of production , after it has created a new form of ‘ concentrated violence ’ , the state of the new class …
15 Similarly it is likely that it is the basis of the injunction that ‘ you must never swear in the hearing of your bees ’ .
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