Example sentences of "must [adv] [verb] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But before this is done the Home Secretary must expressly authorize the granting of the warrant which must be endorsed with a statement of that fact .
2 Any mailing list must obviously include the name of the TV or radio station or of the publication and the address .
3 Second , when making an assessment , information about what a child is able to do in one situation must necessarily form the basis of inferences about what a child might be able to do in other situations .
4 Two wrongs do not make a right , of course , although they must necessarily shift the balance in how we might approach such an inalienable moral precept as the ‘ general belief that right and wrong are , after all , essentially distinct ’ .
5 This must necessarily include the replacement of the constraining and obsolete crown-subject relationship , which prevails in British law , by a modern state-citizenship relationship , the enactment of a bill of rights and the reform of the electoral system by means of proportional representation .
6 Jakobson 's answer to this argument is , however , a powerful one : all users of a language must necessarily know the system of categories into which its different elements are divided , even if only unconsciously ; and his analysis of poetry does not claim to represent what goes on in the reader 's mind , but to account for the special effect which the poetry , for reasons of which he may well be unaware , exercises on him .
7 We must constantly compare the copy with the reality shown to us by experienced paddlers and not simply look hard at a wide selection of paddlers and not simply look at our own friends and colleagues who may have been influenced by the same paddle strokes that we are studying ourselves .
8 We must hereafter keep the doing of this damnable magic from our shores . ’
9 Lenin was willing to make concessions , but not on the centralized unity of the party — ‘ we must not weaken the force of our offensive by breaking into numerous independent political parties ; we must not introduce estrangement and isolation and then have to heal an artificially implanted disease with the aid of these notorious ‘ federal ’ , plasters ’ .
10 The sole remaining restraint is the requirement that the advertising must not impair the solicitor 's independence and integrity and must not bring the profession into disrepute .
11 The implementation of the information technology strategy must avoid this relationship 's being reversed : the coding scheme must not form the test of clinical systems .
12 Of course , we must not exaggerate the value of doubt and forget its darker side .
13 However , all this said and done , just as historians and archaeologists are today able to reconstruct the meaning of obsolescent forms of recording such as hieroglyphics or the structure and form of ancient buildings through the analysis of postholes , one must not underestimate the ability of future generations to decode the electronic records that are being created by today 's society .
14 Nevertheless , one must not underestimate the importance of earlier ideas about press freedom , nor must one underestimate the extent to which these ideas still reside within more complex statements about the mass media .
15 I must not give the impression of being without sin .
16 It was an enormous subject upon which we had embarked , and I felt that , as a minor guest of the monastery , I must not monopolize the time of the guest whom everyone wanted to meet .
17 Mary Alston , arguing the case for a pay rise , pointed out in a speech as early as 1922 that It may be that prior to 1914 , women were employed in book composing only , but we must not forget the introduction of monotypes diverted hand labour to other channels correcting , making up and so forth , and in every large office today , not to speak of the small ones , we find women compositors setting , making up , doing author 's corrections and in some offices making ready for machine .
18 Such suspicions were certainly not entirely stilled when , at an early stage , Baker told staff that while they should not disparage the premier 's opponents , Central Office was , nonetheless , the office of the leader and therefore must not create the impression of neutrality .
19 ‘ You must not disappoint the Doctor of his chase … ’
20 The Chancellor must not miss the opportunity in his November budget . ’
21 ‘ We must not lose the battle over nuclear power …
22 Active citizenship is still an ideal , but we must not lose the vision of the classical theorists , regarding participatory democracy .
23 Yet they must not lose the support of the environmental lobby or local Conservative councillors .
24 But while the certificate-holder may take the order outwith permitted hours , he must not complete the sale outwith permitted hours , by accepting payment , or handing the liquor to the customer , or delivering the liquor to the customer 's house .
25 I thought she must not like the idea of my going on the plane with her , then coming home every year laden with presents .
26 She nodded slightly , wordlessly , aware somehow that she must not speak , must not allow the spell to be broken .
27 The New York judges who sat in Elmer 's case , for example , all agreed that they must not disobey the decision of the legislature reported in the statute of wills .
28 Just as companies must not overlook the market as a source of funds , so they should avoid getting locked into the idea that they must invest their own cash surpluses .
29 … in the present era of super.professionalism , whether of the blended variety or not … we must not overlook the need for a measure of professional restraint .
30 He must not address the defendant in terms which suggest that the sample must be of one kind rather than the other unless and until the two possibilities have been explained to the defendant and a fair opportunity given to him to say , if he wishes , which he would prefer to give and why .
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