Example sentences of "over [art] [adj] [det] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 Over the past few weeks the British parliament 's National Heritage Committee has conducted a public inquiry to find an answer .
2 Over the past few years the bourgeoisie has taken probably £10bn of completely untaxed , totally unearned capital profit from selling their houses .
3 The report noted that over the past few years the government departments had introduced competitive fee bidding for the appointment of consulting engineers leading to lower fee rates .
4 The best known is the ‘ plain ’ blue variety ; over the past few years the new ‘ red ’ form has become very popular with Apistogramma enthusiast — this form has an orange-red centre to the caudal fin and a lot of orange-red in the dorsal , and is the type I am currently keeping and breeding .
5 Over the past few years the market has boomed : Dataquest expects portables to account for around half of PC sales by 1995 .
6 Over the past few years the Institute , under statute , has started to regulate its members ' insolvency , financial services and auditing work .
7 Over the past few years the pace of his acquisitions would make Rupert Murdoch blush .
8 Sir , Over the past few years the tide of public opinion has been turning strongly against smoking , but this tide of public opinion was stemmed somewhat , albeit inadvertently , by the valiant efforts by tobacco companies .
9 My hon. Friend will be aware that as a result of the debt crisis , over the past few years the ECGD has accumulated a deficit of more than £4 billion which is , of course , a deficit that falls to the taxpayer .
10 Over the past few years the media across Europe have devoted increasing attention to what is often sen as an upsurge of political activity by ordinary citizens .
11 Would it have any grass at all ? he wondered , for over the past few miles the grass had become scarce , huddled together in tiny clumps or hiding behind rocks for shelter .
12 Managers should never be administrators Over the last few decades the distinction between leaders , managers and administrators has become increasingly blurred , to the detriment of profit and people alike .
13 Over the last few months the republic had been buoyed by waves of euphoria .
14 Over the last few weeks the villagers had noticed how his moods changed from wild despair to feverish excitement .
15 Over the last few years the house has changed hands many times .
16 Over the last few years the landscape had changed .
17 Over the last few years the number of public television groups within the PBAA has grown steadily , and extensive technical expertise has been developed as more than twenty test broadcasts across Australia have taken place .
18 Over the last few years the Department of Trade and Industry ( DTI ) has been active in consulting with British industry and encouraging it to be competitive in the European market .
19 Over the last few years the t Tory government has reduced the amount of wages inspectors .
20 Over the last few years the members allowances have been reduced , er , er have been underspent quite considerably on the amount that 's been allowed .
21 Over the next few months the school became more and more deserted .
22 Over the next few months the government will be deciding whether to freeze Child Benefit for the 4th year running .
23 Over the next few months the two product ranges will be harmonised and the merger also means a combined , and enlarged , research and development team .
24 Over the next few years the book saw suggestions for all manner of things — for packet tobaccos to be sold at shop prices , for a device to be put on the smoking room door to stop persistent slamming and a complaint that the bushes on the 5th made the hole a flukey .
25 Over the next few years the Assistant Librarian , Miss Liddell , probably got fed up with the sight of me as I used to get through several books each week and must have read most of the stock .
26 The basis for that is that over the next few years the South Africans will be on an upward learning curve after being without international competition for so long .
27 Over the next few years the numbers of separatists grew .
28 Over the next few years the planning of urban motorways had considerable impact on the metropolitan areas of the West Midlands , Greater Manchester , Merseyside and Greater Glasgow , and the M4 , snaking across West London , was the longest road viaduct in Europe .
29 It seems certain that over the next few years the returns for all the work done did not satisfy Taylor , who wrote again in 1840 to the acting agent Moser , asking for a reduction of the Royalties to one-fifteenth .
30 Over the next few days the press was busy reporting doubts about the political wisdom of abolishing SERPS among ‘ ministers and Conservative MPs ’ while the Opposition tabled a censure motion calling on the Government to withdraw its plans to abolish SERPS and its ‘ callous dismantling of the Welfare State ’ .
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