Example sentences of "back and [adv] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 As her bobbin shot back and forward between the wools , she sang the old Gaelic songs that had been passed down from mother to daughter for centuries .
2 Below them were moored feluccas with their long thin yards curving back and up from the masts in the same immaculate line .
3 Cars purr back and forth along the expressways , bearing the Bernsteins to dinner with the Chases , the Chases to the Waylands , the Waylands for a Christmas morning drink with the Bakers .
4 His body swayed gently back and forth on the ropes .
5 Second , there was a local Indonesian vessel , the Gouveneur-Generaal Loudon , which was plying back and forth across the Straits between Anjer in Java and Telok Betong in Sumatra .
6 Your car will need to be equipped with a proper dog guard if at all possible , to prevent the dog from jumping back and forth across the seats .
7 The dogs , too , were focused on the water , poised on the edge of the bank , barking and snarling , or pacing back and forth between the men 's legs , whining with impatience .
8 The bus took off for downtown Jo'burg , followed by our small convoy of about three cars , though in the ensuing hour , every reporter in FI was shuttling back and forth between the drivers ' hotel and the circuit , where the angry bosses and the choleric Jean-Marie Balestre , president of FISA , met in angry conclave .
9 This shuttling back and forth between the personae could only be done so adroitly by a poet exceptionally sensitive to the status and function of pronouns .
10 Answer : a notched wooden roller that is turned gently back and forth between the palms and fingers for a couple of minutes a day .
11 In my home in Wales last week , I paced back and forth over the flagstones , my aerial before me , like a dowser looking for water .
12 This is what the strategists in the Strategy Unit would call a Debatable Land — a territory on the frontier between different empires which has changed hands back and forth over the years .
13 Long strings of coloured bulbs wound back and forth through the girders .
14 He ran back and forth among the consoles , skidding to a halt as he found the controls he wanted .
15 When I interviewed him formally , he paced back and forth in the confines of his conference room on Old Compton Street like a trapped animal .
16 For several weeks he scurried back and forth in the corridors of power , trying to patch together an arrangement for co-operation with the Tory dissidents .
17 A little girl carrying either a doll or a child walked back and forth behind the windows .
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