Example sentences of "back [conj] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Most assets acquired from connected persons , or sold or leased back or acquired with the sole or main purpose of claiming the new allowance , will also be ineligible .
2 Erm I just want to go back and talk about a few things we just touched on earlier .
3 The public sector of the economy has been rolled back and strikes in the public sector have been resisted .
4 With a two goal lead from the first leg the pressure was off Swindon for once last night as they tackled Wolves at Molineux … and when Nicky Summerbee gave them the lead they could afford to sit back and cruise to the third rounds …
5 It was far safer to start a town off with a charter , a market and a fair , and a few other practical inducements to settlers , and then to sit back and hope for the best .
6 Once the message was on the wire , he had little else to do except sit back and wait for a few days .
7 ‘ They find accommodation where they set up a nursery , then sit back and wait for the right opportunity to arise .
8 He threw his head back and laughed like a young and boisterous man , till the drops flashed from the clustering wet tendrils of his iron-grey hair .
9 Winter is the time to lie back and sink into the great British bath .
10 Everyone , parents and boys , craned their necks back and stared into the cerulean blue above the Village .
11 She tipped her head back and stared at the tumbling nymphs and satyrs that danced across it , trailing garlands of flowers .
12 ’ Alistair tipped his head back and stared at the coagulated window .
13 He glanced at Ajayi , who smiled back and motioned towards the small attendant .
14 It 's not a defeat to turn back and return on a better day .
15 She took an instinctive step back and brushed against a small marble horse that stood on a pedestal .
16 Stepping back and looking at the other two nuns , the Mother Superior said , ‘ Take her to her cell . ’
17 ‘ I will lie back and think of the old circus days if you insist , ’ she said .
18 CEM Joad came back and rushed for the nearest Vicar .
19 She walked towards it , pulling back and ducking under the prickling runners of a giant bramble that had overspread the path .
20 And the peedie fairy came back and lived with the old wife been afore .
21 His constitution was now in place , his political position at home was very strong , but he was almost seventy years of age and could hardly afford to sit back and wait for a long-term transformation to solve Algeria 's problems .
22 For a more formal look , hair was scraped back and softened with a loose fringe section .
23 If I ought to pay a fair price for what I buy then I ought to come back and add to the agreed price .
24 And it think that — I mean I like to have , if you go back and look at a Rolling Stone when I was doing it , there are pages in there , I would say one third of all the pages in there , you would not even want to print today .
25 These infiltrate back and spread through the cleared area to repopulate the ground .
26 But perhaps it is best to take a few steps back and begin with the preliminary question : why an exhibition of the nude ?
27 He lay there , a saline drip in his arm , his head tilted back and held in a vice-like contraption .
28 She stumbled back and turned into the reaching arms of a man-shaped thing that was coming down on her .
29 He clasped and unclasped his wiry hands two or three times as though wringing out a rag , pulled his legs on to the bed , sat back and replied in a raucous whisper .
30 After two days which give them time to gain maximum strength they are taken back and released in the same areas as the eggs were collected .
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