Example sentences of "'re [adv] [v-ing] [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 they 're effectively having to re-write the word
2 One article alone — by Emily Gwathmey on the architecture of American cinemas — was worth the price of admission to the May/June issue ( although , of course , there is no price of admission unless you 're only flying to read the magazine ) .
3 You ca n't possibly have it on a verb , and that 's another little rule you might like to think of , that you 're only going to get the apostrophe on a noun , and you will never get an apostrophe on a pronoun .
4 ‘ Yes , they 're different , but you 're only going to have the variation on three of the strings ; the three plain strings are going to feel pretty similar .
5 I , I do n't think we 're taking away the Planning and Environment Committee 's delegated powers , we 're merely trying to ensure the policy and resources committee is consulted on proposals for conversion of residential accommodation , for the , oh I will say the moral reasons that Mr outlined , I would n't really disagree with what he said .
6 ‘ I know you 're all going to take the piss out of me if I tell you what I honestly thought . ’
7 My granddaughter is safe at our table with Jane , and in a moment we 're all going to watch the firework display . ’
8 That 's now been placed in proper context by the arrival of Samantha as Head of Communications , as Judy said earlier on , we 're already beginning to enjoy the fruits of her skills , in the presentation surely you 're seeing today .
9 We 're just , we 're just trying to shut the budgies up
10 As one contracts manager put it , ‘ Do n't talk to me about that health needs nonsense , we 're just trying to keep the lid on . ’
11 ‘ We 're just trying to convince the Department of Transport of our case , then they can come back with proposed routes . ’
12 ‘ We 're just trying to contain the market at the moment — at least until we 've got the capacity to deal with the demand . ’
13 Glen Hoddle says they 're just going to play the way they always do and and the team that settles into its style … whatever it is … will win …
14 She explains : ‘ One of the first things that all these countries are doing — and we 're just starting to see the benefits of this — is to install a digital overlay network linking key cities . ’
15 ‘ So you 're not leaving to warn the others ? ’ said Rohmer .
16 As long as you make the point , and and in the as long as the quotes are grammatical , and as long as you can understand it , the the simple thing about any kind of communication is that you should communicate you know rather than you 're not trying to win the Booker Prize , are you , so just as long as you get the information over do n't worry too much about the , the journalism .
17 ‘ I said to the people who were tinkering with the drafting ‘ Stop : we 're not trying to complete the circle .
18 No , we 're not trying to pull the wool over your eyes .
19 We 're not rushing to sell the pictures ’ .
20 Yes it does , yes , which quickly eats up er into a call , I mean we 're not going to put the phone down on anybody because we feel the call is expensive or anything , er we will always wait until the child her , themselves puts the phone down .
21 ‘ We want to go home in March , ’ he said , ‘ We 're not going to take the risk . ’
22 But we 're not going to disaffiliate WWF-Malaysia , and they 're not going to leave the WWF family . "
23 Anyway , ’ added Dexter , ‘ if you 're not going to arrest the Mills girl , then perhaps you should go for someone else .
24 ‘ We 're not going to advertise the name of the removals firm , ’ says Downing St , ‘ but appropriate arrangements have been made . ’
25 I think that Mr has lost his bet because we are a party who is not obsessed by ideology we are not prepared to act indefinitely like bulls in a china shop when the owners of the shop have an infinite supply of china We want to move forward and we want to move forward in the real world and the idea that a strong government and sticking to what you want through thick and thin when clearly you 're not going to get the result you want , as indeed the government did over the poll tax , in the end you have to recognise the reality the Labour group , as much as anything else , are part of that reality .
26 But if you read a book , you 've got to concentrate otherwise you 're not going to follow the plot .
27 That 's the sort of thing that makes you realize you 're not going to find the job of your dreams just by going to the job centre .
28 justify why they 're not going to reduce the price .
29 And , and I think that y until you can do something about this then you 're not going to fight the crimes that occur .
30 ‘ You 're not going to play the policeman after all ? ’
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