Example sentences of "down [prep] the [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Prime Minister had his head down for the vast majority of the speech , assiduously following the whole of the 57 pages either to avoid the accusatory , glaring eyes of the Opposition or to check that his Chancellor did not deviate from the text .
2 He is the only pianist I have ever heard who does not make Balakirev 's Islamey sound clumsy in places , who does not need to slow down for the middle section of Liszt 's Rhapsodie espagnole , and who can play repeated notes faster than a machine-gun can shoot bullets .
3 I put her name down for the local hospice without her permission , because although she defiantly insisted she did n't want anything to do with it , I thought things might change as she deteriorated .
4 Another £100.000 was put down for the National Union of Journalists , despite its clear and well-known policy of not investing in newspapers because of the inevitable conflict of interest in its role as champion of higher wages for journalists .
5 Thus , in the vital days before September 1939 , not only had prime arrangements been undertaken in connection with aircraft and tanks , but the organisation had been laid down for the ready assembly of ambulance trains and casualty evacuation trains and , through the Mechanical and Electrical Engineers ' Consultative Committee , which was formed in the abortive crisis of September 1938 , to advise the Railway Executive Committee on matters pertaining to Railway Workshops , rolling stock and electrical undertakings .
6 The SS Samtampa went down off the Welsh coast in a terrible storm exactly 45 years ago .
7 Tentatively , 23 August 1990 was marked down as the official day of opening , when Ceauşescu would address a quarter of a million loyal subjects from the balcony on the second floor .
8 Restlessly , she rose again and continued on around the house , following a cool stone path that seemed to be sloping down through the lush growth of shrubs and trees .
9 The story of a man compelled to search for a pure virgin , read one evening while his mother was mending stockings , left him ‘ haunted by spectres ’ whenever he was in the dark ; other stories drew him out to the churchyard , where , with his imagination overflowing , he would race up and down through the great avenue of elm trees , and act out among the docks , nettles and rank grass whatever he had been reading .
10 The famous ceiling , where the wooden angels flew face down through the dusty air above the crowd , was so high it could scarcely be seen in the gloom .
11 If you are using Windows then this scheme is particularly easy because all you have to do is click your way down through the duplicate directories in the File Manager until you ca n't find another copy of the directory and then drag the current version into the final old copy .
12 But when I mentioned that there was a legendary tunnel that ran from the battlements of Beaufort down through the sheer rock to the bottom of the Litani gorge , they leapt to their feet and bounded up one of the staircases .
13 ‘ I wish I were you , ’ Alexandra said , ‘ I wish I were a mouse , ’ and then , drawn inexorably , she leaned forward across the table and looked down through the closed window at her mother 's upturned face below .
14 Incineration is the most appropriate disposal method for many wastes which can be rendered harmless only by breaking them down through the controlled use of heat .
15 He had been pacing the room with slow majestic energy ending by peering down through the venetian blind at Madison below .
16 We leaned on the railing , and peered down through the littered lattice of cross-angled trees , their backs broken in their last attempt to scramble up the cliff .
17 If rabbits do become cornered and then located there are no difficulties digging down through the minor roots from the thicket .
18 With the drainage sill in place , drill down through the pre-drilled holes into the frame below .
19 Sceptics will no doubt dismiss Tito 's order ( even though it was issued down through the full chain of command ) and the assurances given pursuant to it by the Yugoslav negotiators at Bleiburg as mere window-dressing , and they may be right .
20 The water was thick and brown and went down through the top end of Spaladale at a fearful rate .
21 And he actually took her arm , quite simply and confidently , and rushed her on the wings of his enthusiasm down through the green complexities of the bowl , between the crisp , serrated walls , across the fragments of tiled pavement , past the forum pillars , down to where the emerald turf sloped off under a token wire barrier to the riverside path and the waters of the Comer .
22 He pulled up and we could look down through the grey cloud-mist to the centre of the village where an old stone bridge and several houses were crumbling into the river .
23 there is a continuing struggle between accurate reflections on the distant surface of the river and increasingly rich golden browns as the eye sees down through the clear water in the foreground .
24 Her voice shivered down through the magic air around them ; her fingernails were a cap of spikes upon his head .
25 Just lob one down through the open top of the cab , will you ? ’
26 That these movements were still essentially Atlantic in their orientation , is shown by the great accumulations of syn-orogenic and post-orogenic sediments down through the Appalachian belt of the United States .
27 He had needed to wind down after the spiralling tensions of the day , and once again he felt the company warmth and support that had sustained him through the day .
28 So potent is the tradition of Czech cafe society , that most cafes were shut down after the Communist takeover in 1948 .
29 Inevitably , the pace of legislative change slowed down after the hectic activity of the first Hundred Days .
30 This was The Who touching down after the conceptual splurge of ‘ Tommy ’ , knocking out faves like ‘ Magic Bus ’ and re-reading touchstone '50s songs in a deranged but affectionate way .
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