Example sentences of "down [prep] the [noun] [prep] her " in BNC.

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1 You 'd better know now that I 've always avoided every snare set out for me , even those hidden in lush undergrowth … ’ he caressed her hair lightly , his eyes sultry , and then looked down towards the swell of her breasts ‘ … and innocent-looking hills and valleys . ’
2 He buried his face against her throat , his mouth tormenting her with its lazy progress down towards the swell of her breasts , and she arched up , silently begging for his caress .
3 She clung to the front of her costume , gritting her teeth as he widened the circle of massage , smoothing the cream over her shoulders and down towards the small of her back .
4 The gun hangs down below the hem of her skirt .
5 She came down with the baby in her arms , took one look at Vincent , and burst into tears .
6 In answer she shrugged the thin silk robe from her shoulders , then drew his head down into the cushion of her breasts , curling her legs about him .
7 Donna felt a twinge of sadness and stared down into the depths of her cup , picking up the spoon and stirring unnecessarily , watching the dark liquid drip from the plastic utensil .
8 Her left hand was curled down under the hem of her skirt , which she 'd pulled up on that side .
9 Her hair down from the secret of her ears ,
10 It was a glimmering he had , but no more than that , and she cast him down from the height of her knowledge .
11 On reconnaissance nights , the submarine had to use precious hours of moonless darkness while she charged her batteries before trimming down in the water with her saddle-tanks just awash , the slight swell breaking occasionally over the casing .
12 Already , as Luke raised her hand to his mouth , response was quivering to life deep down in the heart of her femininity , flickering and then leaping as she felt the sensual brush of his lips .
13 Alice sat down in the chair opposite her father 's and waited for him to recover .
14 Cora-Beth sat down in the chair opposite her father and stretched out her long legs to the welcome blaze .
15 Down in the forest of her sex hair , something glinted in the moonlight like a jewel .
16 She put it down on the floor beside her guitar .
17 He flung his head to one side and muttered something , his face was twisted up ; he pushed himself away and fell out through the entrance and on to his knees , and she sat down on the floor for her legs felt weak and the wounded one was throbbing painfully , and she crawled over to Sycorax and lay down beside her and sobbed hot , dry grief until she at last fell asleep .
18 He went down on the floor by her chair .
19 The tow truck eventually arrived three hours later , but broke down on the way to her fiance 's home near Norwich .
20 I could make out the tracery of blonde down on the edge of her cheek .
21 ‘ She looked at her step-mother but uttered not a single word ; she simply picked up our big drap-de-dames green shawl ( it 's a shawl we all use , a drap-de-dames one ) , and covered her head and face entirely with it ad lay down on the bed with her face to the wall , ad her little shoulders and her whole body were trembling . '
22 Leonora turned away , sighing , to slump down on the side of her bed .
23 She liked wearing the cap ; it made her feel different , as did the long grey coat that went down to the top of her boots , because then she did not feel like Millie Forester , whose mother and father were dead and had no-one belonging to her , except the fat woman and the man with short legs , but more like a princess who , every now and again , donned strange clothes and went out among the common people , and was kind to them , and yet always remained a princess under the disguise .
24 He let his eyes travel over her , openly appraising , as his gaze took in the firm , high breasts , softly moulded by the cashmere of her sweater-dress , then drifted down to the dip of her waist and the womanly curves of her hips and thighs .
25 She groaned aloud in pleasure when his kisses continued down to the swell of her bosom .
26 He bared her breasts ; put his tongue to them as his hands went down to the belt of her skirt , to find that she 'd changed for the trip , and was wearing jeans .
27 She had long , black hair down to the waist of her tight satin bodice .
28 Slorne , who had been up at the back of her cage most of the day as usual , suddenly opened her wings , swung round and dropped down to the front of her cage .
29 Then Carrie jumped aside as a passing bus threw up some slush from the gutter , and as she brushed her hands down over the bottom of her coat , she said , ‘ You 'd think they did it on purpose , ’ and as he went to assist her she stayed his hands , saying , ‘ It 'll only make it worse .
30 The dark , lazy appraisal moved down over the jut of her breasts beneath the soft material , and she shivered involuntarily , despite the warm night .
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