Example sentences of "down and go [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 More than any other comfort his delighted kisses in return soothed her and eventually she was able to put him down and go into the kitchen to speak to Teresa about the day 's duties .
2 There was no butter around so I jumped down and went to the living room .
3 There was a car waiting , but because of the fog they abandoned the idea of driving down and went to the railway station , caught a train with minutes to spare , picked up the car that was waiting for them the other end , rang the studio from the car phone to let them know where they were , and ran into London Weekend Television .
4 A sudden sharp ring at the doorbell made Shelley 's decision for her , as they sprang apart , and she smoothed her uniform down and went to the reception desk to see who wanted her .
5 Resignedly he put his quill down and went to the bedroom .
6 When at last she put the receiver down and went into the kitchen she found that Edward had unpacked the shopping .
7 ‘ He 'd be irradiated if he 'd turned the bribe down and gone to the freight car . ’
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