Example sentences of "down the [noun sg] [prep] his [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It dragged down the timbre of his voice to a gruff murmur .
2 The Doctor looked up and put on his spectacles which immediately slid down the perspiration on his nose .
3 I look down the rope into his face .
4 He was lying on his back with the sheet round his waist , one arm flung up over his head , and she could see bruises all down the underside of his arm and down his ribs .
5 By the time we reached Amsterdam the man was in a frenzy of preparedness and anxiety , and followed me down the platform with his rifle in my back .
6 His spectacles had shaken down the arch of his nose .
7 The muscles of his arms and shoulders were tight and sinewy , flexing like knotted cords beneath a sheen of perspiration , and in the flickering light of the lamps she could see a livid white hunting or battle scar running down the base of his throat and across his ribs .
8 Turning down the collar of his raincoat and arranging it to expose his clerical collar — for he was not ashamed of his calling — Mark entered the shop .
9 They stood aside to make way for a blind Indian youth in a parka who was confidently striding down the way with his cane held out before him .
10 Quick as a thief , Garvey raised it to his collar and was about to drop it down the inside of his shirt when the Mason took a hold of his collar from behind and twisted it .
11 The blood ran down the inside of his arm , where the skin was pale , and collected in the palm of his hand as he held the wound out for Dad to look at .
12 Zen gulped down the rest of his coffee and announced that he had to be going .
13 He finally flew home to South Africa and put down the money on his cluster house .
14 Gabriel blushed violently and felt the sweat spring through his palms and trickle down the hilt of his tin sword .
15 Vitor eased down the knot of his tie .
16 Imagine , then , that Mandela had written down the story of his life , and that the manuscript was for sale .
17 Sometimes he hides it down the back of his seat here .
18 Standing on the front seat , Eb felt a rivulet of ice-cold water run down the back of his neck , and found that he was underneath a leaking gutter .
19 The ones I 've got at the moment are having a little difficulty in working things out , one does n't realise that it 's not best to try to head the ball back to the goalie when there 's a man breathing down the back of his neck , the other has n't been able to find his brain and the oldest one of the lot is always injured .
20 Bring your bathing-suit , just in case — in case anyone looks as though they might be drowning , ’ he finished , toning down the severity of his voice with one of his enigmatic smiles .
21 That the program-crunching is done for him by people in Breslau , Poland , who re-transmit the results back to his office in Invernessshire for checking before sending down the line to his customer in the Thames Valley , shows that the supposed imperfections of two apparently notorious national telephone systems in fact present no real obstacle .
22 He stood at the edge of the slope , looking down the line of his cordon and into the turgid water .
23 Rickie was literally dancing in circles around me as I walked down the dock towards his sister , but then he paused in his frenetic progress to light one cigarette from the stump of another , and I wondered just what perverted fate decreed that such a boy should receive a legacy of six million dollars .
24 As the garrison watched him from the shelter of the verandah they could tell that the rain was having a bad effect on him ; he clearly did not like the way it beat on his head and shoulders raising a fine spray ; nor did he seem partial to the way it poured down the neck of his shirt and coursed down his trouser legs .
25 Now he put down the paper in his hand and looked up .
26 To reduce this the hearing aid wearer will turn down the volume of his aid , and would therefore lose the amplification he had gained from the Audio Telescope .
27 He gestured down the table with his knife and Jo , smiling broadly , passed the relish .
28 There was a silence , Jack watched his brothers look at each other in alarm , and saw his mother frown slightly down the table at his father .
29 ‘ These plates are cold , ’ said Patrick Milligan senior , looking up from his place and staring down the table at his five-year-old daughter , who at once scrambled to her feet .
30 Dyson walked up and down the bedroom in his overcoat , making large gestures , and trailing in his wake the cosy smell of digested alcohol .
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