Example sentences of "on [coord] [verb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Jimmy returned with arms full of torches , switching each on and positioning them in the brackets of the huge copper boilers , or on the floor so that surreal fans of light were cast against the dirty plaster walls .
2 So that 's why we said well let's get on and decide which of the next four homes to be refurbished .
3 Pour some hot water on and put it in the microwave .
4 He attempted to stop the wheel of history , but the wheel turned on and crushed him on the cross .
5 They erm , what they do they drive these big Tugmasters now with these lorries so that they plant all these erm forty foot trailers with er with er erm with a container on and place them on the ship .
6 He wants to get out of that office , get out into the areas , find out what is going on and do something about the problem , or I will kick his backside for him .
7 When they had done , he went over to the guard and took the full-length gown from him , pulling it on and tying it at the waist .
8 We start aspirin early on and continue it throughout the hospitalisation .
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