Example sentences of "'ve see [pers pn] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Now I 've seen him interfering with the smoke alarm now !
2 I 've seen him play over the years er Mick , you know he 's er typical of player , we 've had him watched a few times this year , er scouts him er at Aston Villa , said he had a magnificent game .
3 Teacher never had a moment 's peace with him , and I could n't count the number of times I 've seen him waiting outside the headmaster 's study .
4 I 've seen them towing across the sky with Beecham 's Pills written on them er it was a familiar sight in Walsall at the time , and also sometimes they had a plane sky-writing and they used to write Rinso in smoke in the sky .
5 I came over it below the farmhouse and hugged the side wall like I 've seen them do in the movies until I could peer round into the farmyard .
6 The last time I saw Leeds win a cup match was almost 3 years ago ( Aston Villa 4–1 ) and since then I 've seen them lose to the Scum ( *3 , Rangers , and Arsenal(*2) .
7 I 've seen them taken to the sea too and er have a job to round them up .
8 I 've seen them reported in the papers and on TV .
9 Fo to make sh little nappies for the baby that was just been born and no clothes ready or fo and I 've I 've seen her you know as poor as we were my mam would sit there was patching sheets and er but I 've seen them whipped off the bed and put on somebody 's bed while they were having a baby or whatever .
10 Lady , I 've seen you scuttle from the room as if your butt were on fire simply because I 've walked in . ’
11 Now , you did once tell me , very very recently in fact , that you were the the father of this Council s with rather a contradiction in fact was that because I 've seen you trotting around the corridors of this er this Council and it you 're more like the baby of the Council than er than the father , but I I do bow to your superior knowledge of Councilling .
12 I came down when my husband was working on the factory site then as I say , prior to us coming to live here this was had n't been even built so we 've seen it grow from the floor to what it is today , you know ?
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