Example sentences of "'ve be [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 My social history is very different from Trevelyan 's , one of the most remarkable books on English social history , because of course I come from a very different background , I 've different experience from Trevelyan , but also I 've been writing at a different time .
2 he feels they 've been treated in a shabby way .
3 I still feel I 've been deprived of a natural birth .
4 I 've been saving for a long time with Alma
5 I 've been flung into a filthy cell with a lot of other poor wretches as if I were sack of coals being emptied into a cellar . "
6 like if you ever work in a children 's ward you can always tell the children that 've been hospitalised for a great length of time cos you can do anything with them
7 Children who 've been given at a far too tender age , the terrible power of holding a loaded gun and be able to command everything in sight as a result of that , have actually got to get back and rediscover childhood .
8 I 've been pushing for a long time but erm down here ?
9 Aggie 's friend knows about him , but , as he said , they ca n't pin anything on to him ; they 've been tryin' for a long time .
10 It 's one of the delightful , I 've been recruiting for a long time and it 's it 's one of those erm delightful things to be able to say to people on the phone when they tell me they 're fifty or fifty four to say that 's not a problem .
11 If you 've been hurt by a loved one , this stone 's innate joyfulness is said to help heal the pain and the suffering .
12 I know times I get it , like maybe just at one side , if I 've been sitting in a hard seat
13 I do n't know what 's got into you , but you 've been behaving like a caged lioness all morning .
14 But this week they 've been confronted by a whole host of vegetarian dishes .
15 I 've been working in a male environment now for several years , and I 've got quite used to hearing my colleagues speculate about me and my private life !
16 ‘ You 've been working like a Trojan all day ! ’
17 The other thing we do sort of every now and then , and next time will be Easter , we actually have some people in costume who actually reoccupy the house over Waster weekend in this case as as the household of William and they 've been coming for a long time now and they 've got set into the set into their roles quite well .
18 ‘ I 've been coming as a mere visitor .
19 It shows what we 've been saying for a long time , how fragile the markets in this recycling are , and I still stick to what I 've thought all along , that marketing comes first and making the product comes second .
20 When they 've been promoted to a high ranking job .
21 Talus president , Steve Sarich says ‘ its like we 've been dropped on a different planet and all the Martians love us ’ — surely sales of NeXT boxes are n't that rare , or are they ?
22 ANOTHER Budget bites the dust and I am assailed by the sobering realisation that though I 've been subjected to a fair number of them now , I have n't really understood any .
23 If you 've been put off a simple d-i-y job which involves mixing concrete or mortar because it 's such a hassle , then the Odjob is for you !
24 You 've been set in a certain class and no matter how your opinions change and you want to throw that class off , if ever a man does , it wo n't let him , it 's there in his voice , in his manner ; even if a gentleman was to take to the road he 'd still be a gentleman ; I mean , according to the kind of education he 's received , so to my mind that has become a kind of cage .
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