Example sentences of "being [verb] [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The dogs , mostly mongrels , undergo a four-month training programme before being placed with a deaf person .
2 The miniature was much damaged by being placed near a large stove in the house of the defendant who was nevertheless held not liable to L.
3 This bout of ‘ insanity ’ led to his being placed in a padded cell .
4 Ivor Stokle , 34 , a quantity surveyor , told a hushed Bristol Crown Court how he and his girlfriend , Mrs Pauline Leyshon , 43 , were kidnapped at knifepoint from a bungalow , beaten and bound before being placed in a blazing car which was pushed off a hillside .
5 We have then no reason to be surprised if the distinction between ascription and association in adjectives is overlooked or mistakenly supposed to be a matter of " nuances of meaning " , rather than being recognized as a systematic variation .
6 The seeds are all the external influences that tend to throw us out of balance and they may affect us on any level of our being ; on the physical level it may be something simple like being exposed to a cold wind , getting soaked in the rain or even some form of trauma .
7 Dr John Bromley , senior partner at the practice , in Monkgate , York , admitted failing to prevent John being exposed to a hazardous substance and was fined £750 under the Health and Safety Act .
8 This would seem to preclude any direction being given to a taxing master other than for a taxation on a standard basis or an indemnity basis .
9 Although initial studies focused on three area , all of them parallel to the existing runway , consideration is now being given to a non-parallel alignment .
10 Where an order for possession is made under Ord 24 ( " summary procedure " for recovery of land occupied without licence or consent ) , r 5(4) says that there is nothing which prevents the order for possession being given on a specific date as if the proceedings had been brought by action ( r 5(3) and ( 4 ) .
11 Poverty amongst the lower classes was an expected and accepted facet of societal structure and education was rarely of a good standard , being intended for a lowly station in life , laced with religion and related to prescribing the sanctity of the sabbath .
12 At the risk of being treated as a terrible simplifier I venture to assert that the author of Daniel 7–12 was evidently writing or at least putting the last touches to his prophecies immediately after the reconsecration of the Temple ( in December 164 ? ) .
13 Alexander was rattled , disturbed in his habits , by instant fame , by being treated as a major dramatist .
14 The Table also shows that cutting usually involves the wrist or forearm , which has resulted in wrist-cutting being treated as a distinct syndrome ( Rosenthal et al. 1972 ) .
15 However , there are sufficiently unique features associated with the granting of security by a company that justify it being treated as a separate topic .
16 Westermann , who died in 1981 , is being treated as a special case .
17 However , more than three decades after Moira disappeared , senior detectives from Coatbridge last week travelled to the North of England to interview a man in connection with the disappearance , which is still officially being treated as a missing person inquiry .
18 However , senior detectives from Coatbridge last week went to the north of England to interview a man in connection with the disappearance , which is still officially being treated as a missing person inquiry .
19 More than three decades after Moira disappeared , senior detectives from Coatbridge last week travelled to the North of England to interview a man in connection with the disappearance , which is still being treated as a missing person inquiry .
20 A great many anthropogenic wastes — pollution by any other name — could be rehabilitated by being treated as a positive resource only awaiting an inventive ecological design .
21 The company has been operating independently since January 1 , and is not yet being treated as a discontinued operation by Tandy , although that should happen next time the company reports .
22 Under SSAP 24 and UITF 6 these long-term obligations are accounted for on a full provision basis , even though in many cases it is likely that they will continually roll over , and it has been argued that it is difficult to justify a prohibition , as SSAP 15 would otherwise require , on the related deferred tax being treated on a similar basis if it , too , continually rolls over .
23 Under SSAP 24 and UITF 6 these long-term obligations are accounted for on a full provision basis , even though in many cases it is likely that they will continually roll over ( ie as one obligation is settled another will arise ) and it has been argued that it is difficult to justify a prohibition , as SSAP 15 would otherwise require , on the related deferred tax being treated on a similar basis if it , too , continually rolls over .
24 The chances of being treated preferentially or even of being treated on a left-alone basis also depend critically on the level and pace of change of the technology involved and on the degree of concentration and competition in the sector ( Mytelka , 1979 ; Milner , 1988 ; Grosse , 1989 ) .
25 A man is being treated for a partially-collapsed lung after he was stabbed several times in the arms and body .
26 He 's being treated for a punctured lung at the town 's general hospital .
27 Despite the assurances of the Director of his Department that he was favourably looked upon , and despite the fact that there was no doubt that at his office he was being treated with a subtle air of respect , nothing formal or official about his promotion had been announced ; and as he knew very well , a change of Directorship , a shift in Government economic policy , even a chill wind in international relations , could mean the end of his hopes .
28 Then it 's a night on the town watching Cats ( the musical , that is ! ) and being treated to a slap-up dinner at the Players Theatre .
29 Imagine using your mouse to press a button labelled Mozart and being treated to a near CD quality reproduction of ‘ Eine kleine Nachtmusik ’ whilst looking at , for example , the score or maybe watching a digital tour of Strasbourg .
30 KYLIE MINOGUE has split from her record company — because she got fed up of being treated like a money-making machine .
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