Example sentences of "even when [pron] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The problem is that it is highly improbable that a group of patients with brain injury constitute a natural kind , even when they display similar symptoms on some test or other .
2 Before the end of the seventh century the black-figure convention had been accepted by Attic vase-painters to the virtual exclusion of any other , even when they painted flat plaques analogous in intention to the wooden ones .
3 Many feel that so called rebel tours such as the one lead by Mike Gatting in 1982 did more harm than good.Cricketers were accused of sacrificing sport and principles chasing sizeable pay cheques and on their return were unrepentant even when they got three year bans from international cricket .
4 East African Asian children are sent for assessment even when they speak fluent English
5 Throughout the electorate the swing to the Conservatives was stronger amongst those who generally had relatively little interest in politics ; amongst those who did not tune in to watch highbrow television or radio news ; amongst those without professional qualifications ; and amongst those who , despite stating a party preference in 1986 , none the less denied being party ‘ supporters ’ — we can call them politically ‘ uncommitted ’ — even when they had political preferences .
6 Female graduates facing ever-increasing competition were often passed over in favour of their male classmates even when they possessed better qualifications .
7 Sometimes , in hospital , patients are not given underwear , even when they wear outer clothes , so that toileting is easier .
8 Yet even when they see Japanese methods being successfully introduced to this country , British managers are still reluctant to accept that they too could try co-operation with the workforce in place of confrontation .
9 Even when it has that opportunity , because directions have to be sought , it is clear , as we have seen above from Sullivan v West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive , that it has no power to exclude such evidence at the interlocutory stage other than to limit the number of witnesses .
10 The two-tier principle was strictly adhered to in the 1972 Act even when there seemed little justification for it in particular circumstances .
11 Even when he had clear sight of goal , England 's number two goalkeeper saved with his legs from his 44th minute close-range cracker .
12 Deny the humanity of any man — even when he commits inhuman acts — and you diminish your own .
13 She appeared quite uninterested in Pogo 's exploits on the field , even when he scored several goals .
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