Example sentences of "'ve [verb] [adv] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm sure you 've stripped willingly enough for the men who have enjoyed your favours in the past . ’
2 Erm , I , I , I did n't say the question lightly it 's just that I think it needs watching , and I wondered how it was , because I 've heard so often in the past , that people have so many lines of enquiries , but the money goes , and you know , it 's all marvellous , and I 'm not suggesting
3 I was just having a word with one of your colleagues here trying to take up what Mr 's point was and I think we 've come up maybe with a compromise , is that we call him the County Public Protection Officer .
4 ‘ I 've come too far from the ways of men to be able to go back now … but we must get away from that sea ! ’
5 We 'll look , we 'll actually look at the processes of deep water formation tomorrow , so you 'll actually see how the waters are formed , but the reason why this is high is basically the act of A , low biological activity removing it and B , the fact that the source waters have not come from below , they 've come in horizontally from an area where they were formed which was very rich in oxygen .
6 Well I mean I 've looked round here for a pair of blinking shoes , the only trouble here er had over here is that I 've got to go somewhere where they 're wide enough and that 's
7 And they both work , in their own part of the world , I 've forgotten exactly where in the United States they , they work , erm a fair bit with support groups within America and they , they 're coming to talk .
8 You 've done very well for an hour or so .
9 You 've done very well with the diet of course .
10 We 've done relatively well in the past couple of years because we 've had a lot of petrol pumps , because of the new , the opening of the big supermar the , the supermarkets where there 's thirty , forty pumps go going , we make a fair bit of money in that way .
11 Thank you Mr , a point which you 've made consistently persistently for the last hour .
12 And they do n't mean when we can afford a bigger house or when we 've had the big-deal holiday , but when I 've risen high enough on the corporate ladder to be able to take six months off without everyone forgetting who the hell I am .
13 It 's interesting this is n't it , we 've moved away somewhat from the old Tory philosophy of erm freedom of choice .
14 The important thing is , they 've moved well away from the relegation area ; poor old Watford and Hull , things looking very bleak for them , they 're trailed seven points behind Leicester , ten points behind Oxford , both Watford and Hull have twenty six points .
15 Well I went to , erm they would n't let me go to work on the aircraft so I left and I went to work and the Walsall Electric Company , it was within Walsall and I was there when V E day happened and er a pal of mine said he knew where I could get this job and oh it was travelling about which I enjoyed and er I , I went then to work for Elwells I was there until I went in the army , but they were very much heavy transport and in those days the opencast mining started happening as well and we were taking diggers about bulldozers and tractors , scrapers for the opencast mining and I remember , in the bad winter of forty-seven , they , they took up a big part of Park , trees and everything and they never found a bit of coal and yet when started levelling off at Darleston , for Bentley Garden Village as it was then called , er they were getting coal out and people were going up with prams , barrows and everything and fetching it all out it was only being levelled for building work , and fetching coal , natural coal off Bentley Common the erm I 've wandering off away from the airport a bit have n't I ?
16 There has been , I think has put it adequately very well , that there are members who 've turned up really for no real reason but to speak on a minor item which members of their group could 've taken on their behalf , and therefore erm , I , I do support that we need to look at that particular issue , and I think that can be dealt with under the present chairs arrange arrangement without having to have permanent chairs .
17 You 've got five you 've got probably somewhere in the region of four thousand pounds worth of advertising there .
18 Oh you 've got up off of the floor .
19 mine 's more suited to that , I think next time er once we 've got somewhere out of the way and can
20 He added : ‘ My scoring record is n't too bad this season but I 've got too long without a goal and I need one bacly .
21 so that the new flesh that we require will be a different sort of flesh than we 've got now probably in the new order or whatever it is , you know , we might require a different sort of flesh might n't we ?
22 I think in general by virtue of the fact that we go to great lengths to make sure that people fully understand exactly what they have got I mean we 're not in a in a situation where we want people to think that they 've got something they have n't , which is why we go to the lengths that we do erm to make sure that people are fully aware of what they 've got , and if they 're unhappy with what they 've got then obviously within the fourteen day period we give them the right to cancel .
23 ‘ But we 've sold too cheaply in the past and it wo n't happen again . ’
24 ‘ One thing I 've not been happy with is that I 've played so well during the practices , and whenever I step onto the court for a match there 's a bit missing from what I can do .
25 Well no I did it last week and one of the references I could n't remember the name of the woman , so I just put Mrs blank and I just left it so I thought I 'd do it again cos there were a couple of bits I did wrong and a bit dodgy , so I though save me writing it I 'll just do it all over again but it looks like I 'm not gon na be able to now because we 've brought out here for a piddling stupid fire drill !
26 I 've gone right off on the individuals .
27 They 've gone much further to the right than had been expected .
28 So I 've gone out there with the spare keys , got the keys out tossed them in me pocket , gone back indoors
29 And beer advertising has left the nation with the immortal phrase , ‘ It 's what your right arm 's for ’ , which often comes in handy when you 've gone too long without a laugh .
30 We 've tightened up considerably at the back , and that 's very pleasing from my point of view . ’
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