Example sentences of "'ve [verb] [verb] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Dickie bored him all through the first course with stories of the Navy in the First World War , and all through the second course with stories of the Navy in the Second World War , and then he got up and said , ‘ I 've got to go now to a meeting of the Chiefs of Staff , but the Prime Minister will keep you amused . ' ’
2 The killer is when you 've got to go out to a special occasion is n't it ?
3 Cos I 've got to go out in a few minutes .
4 But no matter ’ — his voice rose now — ‘ you 've got to go there for a time , anyway .
5 I 've got to get over to a village out on the Bologna road and I can easily drive there via Fiesole .
6 I 've got to get on with a job I 'm paid to do . ’
7 In 1967 he wrote : ‘ Human beings will become so used to being crushed together that when they are on their own , they will suffer withdrawal symptoms : ‘ Doctor — I 've got to get on to a crowded train soon or I 'll go mad ’ . ’
8 But anyway , the whole problem we face now is how to do more samples because we 're only looking at intercourse in the cores of , say , a thousand or two thousand year spacing , we 've got to get down to a few hundred year spacing to really see some of the changes in climate that we know have gone on .
9 ‘ I 've got to try again in a couple of hours . ’
10 ‘ I 'll tell you what , ’ he said , ‘ you can have it for £60 as that 's the last size 10 I 've got , and I 've got to pack up in a minute and it 's raining .
11 Now , you , you could have the linear ordering that 's an alternative proposal erm , but then you 've actually got erm you 've got to come up with a kind of proper account of these structures of how they come about and of the relation and then you 've got to check it out against all the other data and all I can say is as it happens , I 've tried that and it does n't work but that 's only and we want to find out if you can see that the quite a long way .
12 Yeah , but you 've got to come up with a cost somewhere , that 's got to be .
13 Oh right they 've got to add up to a hundred and eighty
14 S so th th there 's a variety of different skills involved in there , the the mechanical the till and the knowing what to do with cheques , credit cards , er , have you got a sense of when you 've got to check up on a card , or something like that .
15 What was more , they 've had to put up with a relief milker while their herdsman was laid up with flu .
16 If they 've had to stay indoors for a wet break they 'll want to do something physically very active .
17 We got a call from them recently and , apparently they 've managed to come up with a program that WILL allow for a hundred Lemmings on-screen at once — although they would not be animated to any degree whatsoever .
18 ‘ Because it seems they 've managed to come up with a bone marrow donor . ’
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