Example sentences of "being made [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In one accident I witnessed , the take off was being made towards the glare of the sun .
2 The dead were carried in wicker coffins from Keld along the corpse road , stops being made along the way for food and drink , and every so often there were great " coffin stones " at the side of the way where the pallbearers could rest the body ( one such stone still stands at the side of Ivelet Bridge ) .
3 There was also a reduction in the number of elderly bus passenger casualties which may have resulted in a fall in the number of trips being made following the introduction of fares for concessionary travel .
4 It is well known that the UKCC has to this date been a bastion of conservatism , its appointments being made through the patronage of the secretary of state or the national boards .
5 He had been obedient and had never received the fuss that was being made over the return of his brother .
6 Reg says many other decisions were being made about the churchyard without involving him .
7 Unrealistic assumptions are being made about the extent to which — and the speed with which — the need for hospitals can be reduced by technological advance and improvements in primary care .
8 But it was soon obvious that this would not be feasible because of the rapid advance being made into the area by Tito 's forces .
9 Increasing use is being made of the telephone for interviewing the general public in market research and social surveys .
10 Much is being made of the presence of pollen in the samples , yet Crone states that the mixture of pollen and fungus on the leaves and rocks probably could not have occurred naturally .
11 An analysis is being made of the role of technological development and competition and the role of post-innovation improvements in market success .
12 As part of this aspect of the project , a special study is being made of the role of local press and local radio and television in the campaign .
13 The toes of the kicking foot should be curled outwards to avoid injury , impact being made with the ball of the foot .
14 Will he take this opportunity to say what progress is being made on the question of preventive diplomacy , for which the secretary-general has set a deadline of 1 July ?
15 To prevent such financial losses being made on the payment of relocation allowances , some employers make relocation payments in the form of a loan , which employees have to repay if they leave the organisation within a fixed number of years ( often one or two years ) of the date of the move .
16 [ See pp. 38161 ; 38304-05 ; for 1991 First Compensation Law on expropriated property ; the amount of compensation under both laws would be calculated as if the total claim were being made on the basis of one law . ]
17 So while he could have given this kind old Cornish gentleman an eye-opening insight into the plans being made on the Continent of Europe to bring England back within Rome 's jurisdiction , he was content to let his host do most of the talking .
18 Hoover washing machines are being made on the site of the old steel works at Merthyr Tydfil .
19 Curiously , seals with these signs were still being made at the end of the Middle Minoan , around 1600 BC , and were entombed in buildings destroyed in 1470 BC , well after the appearance and general adoption of both Linear A and Linear B scripts .
20 He added : ‘ These changes are being made to the organisation of the NHS in Darlington by the back door .
21 A slow — admittedly a very slow start — was being made to the build-up of a long-range nuclear bomber force .
22 In the last few years , however , relaxations in Institution rules and instances of surveying practices becoming public companies have coincided with a number of applications being made to the RICS for permission to practise by way of a corporate structure with limited liability .
23 It is hoped that more and more of the applications for renewal of approval will be such that they can be granted without any extensive dialogue on them being necessary , and indeed that many of them can be granted without any visit being made to the College by representatives of the Council or vice versa and without any special conditions being attached to the approval .
24 The proportion of output given up varied according to such factors as region , land quality and time , some allowance being made for the abundance of the harvest .
25 On the stand of Rolls-Royce and Bentley , however , no excuses were being made for the reawakening of one of Britain 's best known and loved marques from 40 years of savage badge engineering .
26 Such relaxations are considered on the merits of the particular case and may be influenced by any alternative provisions being made for the protection of the building .
27 They will vouch that I stayed here , doing-accounts , going out to look at the carving which were being made for the pageant for the king 's coronation . ’
28 Plans are also being made for the redecoration of the whole museum and a new integrated display of its collections , costing around £4 million and taking at least ten years .
29 Thorpe J. held that he had the necessary jurisdiction and authorised the removal of W. to and her treatment at a specialist London unit , subject to arrangements first being made for the approval of new foster parents .
30 Extensive preparations are being made for the transport of the boat people back to Vietnam .
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