Example sentences of "those who [verb] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This is perhaps not surprising : their preference for home care at the first interview indicates that they have a stronger commitment to looking after the dementia sufferer than those who said in the first interview that they would prefer institutional care .
2 Go into the s transept with its rose window of the Last Judgement by Max Švabinský , 1935–8 , the Emblem of Prague City in metalwork by Karel Štipl , 1946 , a statue of Christ by Čeněk Vosmík , a fine memorial of 1921 dedicated to those who fell in the Great War by K. Pokorný , and the statue of St Wenceslas by Karel Dvořák , 1922 .
3 Today those who fought and those who fell in the Chinese onslaught were remembered .
4 Will the Secretary of State take it from me that the people of Northern Ireland will appreciate his expressions of sympathy and those of the hon. Member for Greenock and Port Glasgow ( Dr. Godman ) , directed to those who suffered in the terrible massacre that took place last night and to the relatives of the person who was murdered this morning ?
5 Over half the respondents acknowledged that dreams could foretell the future , and among those who believed in the literal truth of the accounts of dreaming in the New Testament , this proportion was much higher .
6 By the end of the decade , well over half of those who qualify for assistance will be aged over 80 , mainly those who served in the Second World War or their widows .
7 As I unveil this plaque to the glory of God and in memory of all those who served in the Hundredth Bomb Group in the cause of freedom from this airfield .
8 I have referred to the complicated question of administration , which will require careful drafting , but we want to try to ensure that those who serve in the voluntary reserve forces are available when they are needed and that their position is properly protected .
9 It was not too surprising , therefore , that one of the King , s former ministers , the Count of Lezay-Marnésia , should allow his daughter to become one of the Empress 's ladies , though he could not have known that his gesture would be immortalized , for she is one of those who figure in the famous painting by Winterhalter ( now in the Musée National du Chateau de Compiègne ) .
10 Among those who are , there are those who follow in the fine tradition of writers such as Bairstow , Bullock , Darke , Harris , Stanford , Sumsion and Charles Wood .
11 He would therefore argue that conventions are established by their acceptance by those who participate in the political arena .
12 He defines the core of the business class as ‘ those who participate in the strategic control of the enterprises which form the monopoly sector of the British economy ’ .
13 In a bad mood , ‘ They 've Scoffed The Lot ’ probably sounds rubbish , but , for all those who fought in the Shambling Wars , it 's worth a rash .
14 The spectre of comprehensive schools nevertheless remained an alarming one , and not least to those who taught in the secure and effective world of grammar schools .
15 Others will call them Diakka , unclean and amoral spirits , who take great delight in terrorising those who dabble in the spiritual phenomena without sufficient knowledge .
16 Those who indulge in the shameful practice of ‘ ambushing ’ , or seeking to frustrate the work of the emergency services , deserve to face severe penalties .
17 Erected in 1919 , it has an addendum for those who died in the Second World War .
18 His best work has a direct simplicity , benefits from its autobiographical inspiration , and stands as a worthy memorial to all those who died in the Spanish civil war .
19 And when I showed him a list of names I had collected ( why , I do not know , I had some notion of an appeal or inquiry ) , he read : ‘ Lynch , Connally , Egan , Kelly … etc. ’ and then he looked at me and added , ‘ I was looking at the lists of those who died in the recent great victories of general Gough at Aliwal and Sobraon in India .
20 Christ Church was closely involved in the aftermath of the disaster since no less than 29 of those who died in the local train , together with countless injured , came form the parish .
21 Needless to say , those who lived in the inner cities had a high index of deprivation .
22 It occurs to me , for example , that given that all we 've heard this afternoon about the fact that a new settlement and again I 'm playing devil 's advocate , that if it were possible to build onto an existing settlement the quality of life of those who lived in the new settlement might in fact be better than if they were , to put it crudely , finding themselves in the middle of a field .
23 Generally , however , those who work in the challenging environment of the Middle East tend to be looking for a change , an enhanced salary , a more favourable climate and a better lifestyle .
24 I parked Armstrong in Golden Square , which is known as On Golden Pond to those who work in the posh offices there , and cut through Brewer Street .
25 Another conclusion that can be drawn from this table is that , apart from the southern cone countries , those who work in the modern sector of the economy comprise a minority of the population .
26 Mrs Shephard told farmers in her native Norfolk : ‘ Farming is a major industry whose importance to maintaining the health of rural life , both for those who work in the country- side and those who enjoy it as an amenity , is all too easily forgotten .
27 One , the general public , can really only be reached by direct advertising in the media — the other , the ‘ gate-keepers , ’ those who work in the social field and in advice agencies , need to be approached much more selectively .
28 I pay tribute to all those who work in the national health service in Wales for having achieved these outstanding results .
29 She admires wealth-creators , entrepreneurs , and people who have taken a chance in the market rather than those who work in the public sector .
30 That means little or no Pay Rises for those who work in the Public Sector .
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