Example sentences of "those who [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some of those who stuck with the rebellion had to force their way through the Tory crowd and shake off the intimidation .
2 In effect , professional and financial factors combined with political pressures to strengthen the camp of those who pressed for the reform of ORTF .
3 Those who sit on the Treasury Bench make claims about average net income increases .
4 The separate phases of education and training should be made visible to those who contribute to the process — teachers , employers , trainers and funders .
5 First , those who come to the Park to enjoy it can not do so , because of all the traffic .
6 Why should those who come to the Park for enjoyment and healthy exercise — walking , cycling , jogging etc — have to put up with the danger , the noise , and the pollution created by those who are looking only to their own convenience ?
7 That reconciliation was not Franco 's guiding principle was clear from the decree he had issued on 1 April 1939 ( the same day he had signed the final war bulletin ) , ordering that a monument be built " to perpetuate the memory of those who fell in the Crusade of Liberation " and to honour " those who gave their lives for God and the Fatherland " .
8 A higher frequency of transient expressive dysphasia was found among those who wrote with the right compared with the left hand .
9 This development is particularly important in the study of those who wrote in the vernacular for laymen who were cut off from the richness of recollected prayer in the practice of the liturgy and in search of modes by which they could realise the substance of their faith .
10 And those who get past the door seem to agree with the policy .
11 Food preferences are very much dictated by habit , and those who get into the habit of choosing the fibre-rich foods gradually come to prefer them .
12 Those who opted for the unit trust — the South and East Asia Growth Trust — would have been able to realise their holdings for cash at about 98 per cent of Drayton Asia .
13 Respect for product in the form of dramatic production became eroded and , regrettably , those who believed in the value of drama as a community enterprise gave up the struggle .
14 In comparison to their parent of the same sex , those who responded to the questionnaire were more likely to be engaged in non-manual occupations ( difference 4.2% to 28% for men and 2.7% to 28.7% for women ) .
15 Nearly a fifth of those who listened to the announcement , however , still believed the Martians had landed .
16 Even youths grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength , they will soar on wings like eagles , they will run and not grow weary , they will walk and not be faint .
17 He spoke of the state as mother , of the history of those who clung to the state as mother , of the psychology of those who wished to orphan themselves from the mother , of the novel oddity of a woman prime minister who was in fact a mother but was not nevertheless thereby motherly .
18 This provided sickness benefit and the right to free treatment and drugs for members , as well as the choice of a local doctor from those who practised in the scheme ( 1911 National Insurance Act ) .
19 In the first of three reports Gargy Patel looks at those who depend on the service … and asks Who Cares ?
20 Can he give an assurance that if the Magnox reactors are indeed approaching the end of their days and Trawsfynydd has no continuing nuclear future , the Government will accept responsibility for finding jobs for those who depend on the industry ?
21 Even when answers start to emerge , it will be some time before those who depend on the industry for a livelihood — and that includes at least 100,000 Scots — will know whether or not he has sent the right signals in a climate of fierce international competition for scarce oil industry investment funds .
22 If those who profit from the sale of descriptions of their investigations and speculations about matters of public interest are not restrained by fear of appropriate penal or financial consequences from publishing defamatory statements which are false , it is likely that some of them would publish so much in the nature of defamatory allegations against public organisations , and the men and women who run those organisations , that the public , if there was no effective process for determining whether the charges were substantially true or not , might cease to be greatly concerned about the charges save for such amusement as the stories might provide .
23 In the north transept of Polebrook 's Church of All Saints is a Memorial Book containing the names of those who served on the airfield and other memorabilia .
24 The campaign never took place , however , and Edward did not try to revive this method of payment for those who served in the army which was defeated at Bannockburn .
25 The Association is experiencing an increase in welfare casework , particularly from those who served in the Air Force during the Second World War , and who are now elderly and in need of our support .
26 Pressure is now building in Whitehall to cut the payments to those who stay on the list .
27 Moreover at the end of the day those who benefit from the scheme will be Gujarats more powerful farmers : the poor will be worse off than ever .
28 Those who benefit from the help say it 's invaluable .
29 John believes there should be tougher sentences for violent criminals , rather than clogging up the jails with those who object to the poll tax .
30 It has been suggested by McCullough ( 1981 ) that one of the problems in viewing old age constructively lies in the model of development customarily used by those who write about the life cycle .
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